Mission Impossible

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Michael POV
Beyoncé shows up infront of my office with Chris unexpectedly. I get up and hug Bey and dap Chris.
Michael: hey y'all ok?
Bey: yes but I've got a plan.
She tells me about wanting to be wired and go in his house and getting info from his phone with an empty one and looking around for evidence and taking pics of it. I pray Tyga won't try anything slick.
Michael: to be extra safe, I'll have our team hiding out outside just in case
Chris: ah thank god😅
I let the team know and we wire up Beyonce. She gives him a call which we should've done before ha. Of course he picks up right away.
Chris POV
Tyga: hey Bey! I'm so sorry about the other day.
Bey: it's ok. I know you've got a lot going on. In fact, I just wanna have a conversation with you possibly at your house? Just to check up on ya and see how you're doing and-
Tyga: of course! YOU can come over my house today! I'll cook somethin up for us!
Bey: great! I'll head over now!
Tyga: awesome! *hangs up*
I swear if anything and I mean ANYTHING happens to my woman, I'll never forgive myself. Her and Royalty are the reason I breath. I love them with every ounce of my soul. I don't know if I have the best feeling about this. But I need to know if this fucker really is doin this dumb evil ass shit. We get back into her car and 3 police cars follow from behind not making anything to obvious. This whole drive we've gone over the plan again and again. We arrive and pull up to the low gate to his mansion. Damn, he been needing a taller one but not a problem for us today. They open once she presses the buzzer. The police are on opposite sides of street and out of direct front view. The drive way isn't too long luckily and she parks in the driveway. Lucky, her G-Wagon is heavily tinted and I'm hide in back. I've got 2 guns and knife on me just incase. She puts a pocket knife in her pocket just incase too.
Bey: alright baby *grabs his face* it's going to be ok my love. I love you
I kiss her passionately. As if it's the last time. I love the feel of her lips on mine. Always taste like candy. We slip some tongue in and break cause we finna fuck in a second if we keep goin.
Chris: Beyoncé I love you with all my heart and if anything goes wrong, I couldn't live with myse-
Bey: shhh it'll be alright baby. You're right here if anything and I got Texas blood in my and a pocket knife. Don't under estimate this cowgirl!
Chris: finna ride this cowboy afterwards.
Bey: you know it baby*giggles and kiss again* I love you baby
Chris: I love you too baby.
She heads out the car and checks to see if the mic works and give her a thumbs up. My heart racing over 100 beats her second.
Beys POV
His mansion really isn't too big. Well to be fair, he dosent make anywhere close as to what Chris and I do in net worth. I go up the stoop and ring his door bell. He opens the door right away with a bright smile.
Bey: Hey Tyga! *hugs*
Tyga: hey Bey! come inside baby!
Bey: *walks inside and he closes door and looks at her ass* wow! Haven't been here in a long time. It looks great! And the food smells great.
Tyga: thank you baby. I've got some chicken cooked up with a few sides. It'll be done in 2 minutes. Come, follow me.
I follow him into the kitchen and see him getting some food out.
Bey: oh let me help you set up the table😶
The table has candles on it and he's got "between the sheets music playin". Oh god. I know Chris finna bust through the window. I grab some platters and help him bring it to the dining room table. We sit on the opposite sides of the table but he moves over and sits next to me.
Tyga: ah shit! I forgot water. Hold on one sec baby.
He gets up and I see him walk into the kitchen and fills up the water glass and pours a glass of wine, I see him out some powder from a packet in both drinks. Oooh hell nah! Luckily I didn't see him put anything in the food. I whisper into the mic
Bey: *whispers* he just put some powder from a packet in our drinks.
I try snapping a pic but not sure if it's a good one cause I'm tryna hide it. He walks over with the drinks and a melitious smile. We dig in and the food is acutally really good.
Bey: so I wanna say I'm sorry for Chris behavior. He gets so angry ya know how he is.
Tyga: yea it's alright baby. I could never get mad at you like that. You deserve better and the best.
Bey: oh he treats me good. *smiles on inside* very very good.
I can see that made him twitch angrily. But breathes it off.
Bey: I just can't believe someone is being so cruel to us ya know. My parents, someone sneaking in to our house. Who would do that? Ya know
Tyga: *sweats a bit* yea I couldn't imagine.
Bey: and you know it's like so weird what happens on stage to him that day. It's crazy no one notice who would backstab him right?? Like Chris is such a nice and loyal brother to everyone-
Tyga: let's not talk about Chris ok? I just wanna know how've you been?
Bey: oh I've been doin ok. Just nervous every 5 seconds.
Tyga: you know *scoots even closer face to face* I'll always protect you. Always. You're so beautiful ya know.
Bey: thank you. Um-I I ugh I've gotta use the restroom. *backs up*
Tyga: down the hall to the right.
Bey: thank you *rushes to the bathroom*
I look around as I rush down the hall taking a video. I run into the bathroom and I notice something. Smells like Clorox in here. But powerful. I speak into the mic and again and send the video. I didn't even look at the video cause I wanna get out of this strong smelling bathroom. I flush the toilet and turn the sink on. I swear I here foot steps and I glance and see a shadow under the door as I wash my hands. Is he spying on me.
Tyga: *knocks on door* you ok in there baby?
Bey: yes will be out in a second.
Tyga: ok
Weirdo. I turn the sink off and dry my hands and take a deep breath and open the door. He stands there with a giant smile. I'm creeped out.
Tyga: *phone rings* ooh I gotta take this. Feel free to finish eating. I'll be out back. Shouldn't be long.
Bey: yea go ahead.
I watch him as he goes out into the back yard and closes the sliding door. I whip my phone out again. I record and go into every room. I go upstairs taking a video and see a Keri Hilson poster in what looks like an office room. I see a small closet door randomly in the hall slightly open. I open it up and turn the light switch on and oh sweet baby Jesus. There's posters galore of me. Eww! Even me sleeping and one of Chris and I having sex but scratched out Chris face! Every corner of the wall in this closet is of me and some from albums to me in my own home! He's been stalking for years! I gotta get out of here. His bedroom door is wide open and I gasp.

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