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Suddenly she heard door bell sound . She didn't care as she thought some waiter would be there . The bell was continuously ringing but she didn't give a fuck . And start grinding on him . She then pull her only cloth of her body covering her undergarments. She is now in her undergarments only .

Where Taehyung was not responding anything he has totally lost his conscious . She took advantage of it . She pull his boxers and saw his member . She stroke his member from her hands . She was busy giving him handjob . After awhile she start sucking his member with her tongue and giving him blow job and he was moaning in his lost state.

Y/n pov

I went out for sometime as tae was resting I thought of coming soon . But it took me time as the hotel was so big and it has so many places to visit. I visited a small kind of gallery there . I loose my so many hours watching the photos. Then I went back to my room but it was closed I press the bell but he didn't open it . I thought he also have gone outside . I called him but he didn't picked up . I didn't have extra key with myself so I went to receptionist and ask for another key .

They asked me for my I'd as I didn't bring the key with me . But I didn't have I'd too . I asked them to come with me and I'll show them my I'd . They came and open the door for me .

" I'll bring the I'd with me "

" Sorry mam to have inconvenience to you but it's our policy "

" It's fine and I appreciate your hard work Mr. I'll just bring it "

I went inside and my eyes got wide seeing the view infront of me . A girl was giving blowjob to my husband. I didn't believe in my eyes what I was seeing . I went to her and grab her hairs to pull her up from my bed .

" You bitch how you came here "

" Motherfucker who's this "

" Who am I you bitch .. I'm her wife and you what you doing here "

" W- wife"

I pull her head backwards and my grip on her hairs became tight .

" Tell me or I'm sueing you "

" I - I didn't know he has a wife he said he's alone really I'm telling you truth "

" Oh really and what about him " I saw tae and he was laying in the bed unconsciously" how is he not in his senses huh "

" I don't know "

" You ... You'll not dare to mess with anyone now I'll show you "

I give her a tight slap in her face which caused her to move backwards a little and then I gave her one more slap .

" Now tell me when I'm asking you so calmly what did gave him....if something happens to my husband I'll rip you apart I'm warning you "

" I - I just mix 2 dose of vagia* ra in his drink he will be alright till morning "

" You think so huh " and I gave her one more slap . " Wear your clothes .. I said wear it " I said loudly in angry manner

" Come " I start dragging her with me .

" Mam where you going . What are you doing with her mam "

" SHE ... WAS .... IN .... WITH MY HUSBAND... after giving him a drug and almost rapping him and you don't dare to stop me now . "

I was dragging her with me she was doing her everything to let her go but I was in not good state to be in control. I was out of control after watching the scene in my so called bedroom . I reached in the reception.

" Call the police " I said to the person in the reception

"Po--police " yeah both the girl whom I took her here with me and the boy at reception said together.

" Yeah I want to report her "

" Please lady leave me I didn't do anything with him " she said pleading to me

" Seriously you didn't do anything to him haha " I fake laughed and glared her like I can bury her now in front of me .

" Mam let me call the manager" he said grabbing the phone and calling someone

" Yeah do it fast please "

" You just leave me I told you I didn't do anything" she said trying hard to make my grip go from her had she tried hard to get release but no use my grip was so tight .

" Yes mam how can I help you " manager came and asked me

" I want to report her immediately and get her inside the bars "

" What happened mam can you tell us "

" She " I said moving my head towards her " mixed something on my husband drink and then almost raped him in our bedroom. Now what do you think how should I keep my calm now . Could you just call cops and get her inside I want to check my husband too if he's okk or not "

"Mam we'll call cops and about her let us deal with her until cops come you can check you husband state we'll call the doctor for you too "

" That's good then but if she will try to run or you help her to run then get my point straight.... you all will be reported by me with your hotel too "

" Don't worry mam we'll see her and sorry for the inconvenience ... Security.. take her and just see she don't run and call the cops.... Mam we'll call you when cops be reached here

And I went towards my room to see the tae state


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