Unexpected arrival

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I felt a gentle tug on my Peplos, and I snapped out of my trance. It was the elderly priestess. She smiled warmly at me, stood up and reached her hand out to me, and I held her hand in mine.

-"come, my dear Xenovia, you look like you need rest. I can let you stay at my house." She said, and pulled me to my feet in one swift motion.

She led me away from the festival and through the dark streets of Sparta. When we arrived at her house, which was built around a garden, I saw a man who looked about ten years older than her waiting outside with a spear strapped to his back . The elderly priestess wrapped her arms around his neck, and the two kissed each other lovingly. The elderly priestess turned to me and said with a sweet voice;

-"this is my husband, Demitrius." She turns to her husband and gestures to me.

-"Demitrius, this is Xenovia, a good friend from the temple of Hera. I hope you won't mind her staying in our home for a while, would you?" She asked, and her husband smiled warmly at her, then turned his attention to me.

-"Are you sure? My dear, you know that we don't invite visitors into our lives. What if she is a traitor?" He said with worry and scepticism.

-"but my dear, you have to trust her! She has no home and it would be wonderful if she could stay with us." She said, trying to convince the husband to let me in.
After some thinking, he realises that the elderly priestess was too stubborn to change her mind. And with reluctance, he spoke.

-"fine. She can stay. The girl may use our spare room. We might as well put it to use anyways." He held the hand of the elderly priestess and led both of us inside the house. The house was nice, it was one story tall, had tiled floors and a very comforting aura to it.
As the priestess led me upstairs to the spare room, she said to me.

-"oh, sorry for telling you my name so late, but my name is Katerina." She smiled kindly and opened the door to the empty room.
The room had two windows above the bed, which was made with Klines, cotton and looked like a couch bed. I could see a wardrobe with an assortment of Peplos and weapons such as spears, and had a small bedside table with a neat arrangement of papyrus paper and ink quills, which were probably used to write poems.

-"this room is beautiful. I really like the comforting aura it has." I say with a smile on my face, and walk around the room to take in all of the details. The elderly priestess smiles warmly in my direction.

-"I'm glad you like it. This room used to be where we stored our clothing, and old weapons, so please don't mind the Peplos and spears. You may wear them if you want, make yourself at home... Although try to make as little noise as possible. Me and Demitrius are going to be in the room next to you. Please get some rest, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." She said, giving me a gentle pat on the shoulder and she left the room.
I closed the door, and started second guessing myself on whether or not I should change clothes. I feel guilty for using their Peplos, even though the priestess told me I was allowed to wear them.

It took me several minutes, maybe even an hour, before I was comfortable enough to do so. I started undressing myself, but then I heard the windows open... At first, I didn't think too much, since I kind of expected the windows to not close fully. I started zoning out and let my Peplos fall to the floor, but I was almost instantly snapped out of my trance when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.
I was startled and quickly turned around, only to see the soldier from before. Anastasios. I was relieved, but also nervous because I was practically naked.

-"Anastasios? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the agoge! What if you get caught?" I asked with a shaky voice, but I kept my tone quiet to not wake up the couple.
I felt his callouse hands trace the subtle abs and faint scars on my abdomen, and his face buried in my red hair.

-"don't worry, I move in sync with the shadows in the night. I can't possibly resist you, you know? Your beauty is that of a nymph. Your hair is like a sea of fire in the sunset. Your eyes are like a forest submerged in fog. Your skin is as smooth as the finest silk in all of Sparta. And those spots on your face are like stars floating in a milky sky. My dear Xenovia, may the gods strike me down if my lips speak lies, but you are the epitomy of true beauty. If I had been a simple boy, I would think that you are the goddess Athena herself. That is how beautiful you are." He whispered quietly into my ear. His deep sensual voice made me shiver, sending shocks of pleasure down my spine.
I only met him tonight, why am I so attracted to him? This can't be genuine love, I literally just met him! But what if this is love at first sight? No, there is no such thing. But I still remember our interaction earlier at the festival. I remember how he made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Is it really love? Or is it just an attraction? I don't know and I'm too afraid to ask. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by his voice again.

-"Xenovia? Forgive me if I was too much, but you must know that I am speaking only the truth about your beauty." He whispered in my ear, his fingertips slowly moving to my chest, caressing yet another small scar.
It took me several moments to regain my thoughts, and whispered back to him.

-"no at all, Anastasios. I was simply lost in my thoughts." I lean my head against his chest, feeling his strong physique wrap around my bare body.

-"Don't fret, Αγάπη μου. We all have our moments where our mind becomes stronger than our body." He whispered, and his hands now slid down to my hips and slowly grazed the back of his fingers against them. I felt my spine shudder with shivers of pleasure again, but I had to remind myself that I just met him tonight.

-"but we just met tonight... And you are supposed to be in the agoge... Aren't you supposed to be loyal to your brothers in arm more than your family?" I whispered in worry, as my hands held his. Our fingers entwined with each other and he crossed his arms over my waist.

-"I know, Xenovia. But do you really think that I could resist a goddess such as you? You may see yourself as a simple mortal girl, but in my eyes, you are a fallen goddess from mount Olympus. Let me worship you, and show you how much I-" his voice was interrupted when we heard the muttering sounds of the soldiers on patrol around the city. Our suspicion was soon confirmed when we saw the dim light of the torches.

-"I have to go. I believe my brother's are looking for me. I will see you tomorrow, my goddess." He whispered in my ear, and gave me a gentle kiss on the base of my neck. I turned around, seeing him leave through the windows. I could faintly hear his quiet footsteps hit the ground and swiftly running. I touched the area where he kissed me and felt my cheeks flush red. I shook it away and picked up my green Peplos, set it on the chair near the desk and I noticed something off...
I noticed a small bouquet of Hyacinth flowers, with the stems tied together with a small leather rope. Attached to said rope, was a rolled up note. I carefully unravelled the note and read what it said. It didn't contain many words, it only contained five. The note simply reads:
"An offering for my goddess"

I blushed and a felt a faint smile appear on my lips. I put the flowers aside along with the note, and walked over to the wardrobe and picked out a simple one strap tunic with a short skirt made of silk and light wool.
I put on the tunic, smoothed it out slightly and I walked over to the bed and plopped myself on it from exhaustion. I let my eyes close, as I felt the fatigue wash over my body.

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