gates to dust

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It was a night blessed by Nyx. The moon was high in the sky, shining down on our half naked bodies. I was laying on Anastasios, my head resting against his bare chest, my legs draped to his side with my Peplos covering them, and my hair was brushed aside as he softly caressed my body.

I felt Anastasios' fingertips gently caressing my bare back, tracing my spine like a feather. I felt so warm and at home with him. His touch made me shiver in the best way possible. He kissed the top of my head, and whispered sensually in my ear;

-"Αστέρι μου, you have no idea how infatuated I am with you. Not only do I admire your beauty, but also your soul. You combine beauty and kindness to make the perfect nymph you are today." He then kissed the shell of my ear, making me smile and blush.
He rolled over so we are both laying on our sides and facing each other. His nose brushed against mine, and he closed his eyes.
I leaned in, kissing him softly on his chapped and scarred lips. My fingertips wrapped around his back, tracing the remaining scars on it. I felt his body tense up and shudder with pleasure, and he leaned into my touch.

-"I have never said this as a Spartan... As only the hard and strong call themselves true Spartans. There is no room for softness... But you... You somehow broke through that hardness with only your words. I admire you for that." He whispered to me. He kissed my forehead, then my nose, and then my lips. My fingertips slide from his back to his pecs, feeling the small cuts.
His skin felt soft over his firm muscles, giving me a pleasant sensation.

He leaned in to kiss me again, and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. His lips had a texture and sensation that made me want more, that made me want to know him on a more personal level.

-"I have never said this in my entire life, but I need to say this... I love you, Xenovia, and I will gladly claim you as my lover." He whispered against my lips, and tears of joy streamed down my face and I rolled him on his back, straddling his waist.
We both kissed each other deeply with as much passion as we could muster, and I felt a powerful surge of emotions run through my entire body.

-"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say this!" I said with pure joy in my voice, and kissed him again with even more passion.
We both stayed like this for a while. In each other's arms. Our lips pressed gently against each other. It was like a dream and neither of us wanted it to end. We closed our eyes, and felt our bodies melt into each other as we fell under Hypnos' spell.

My eyes shot open at the sound of metal clashing against metal and men shouting in the distance. How long was I asleep for? Five minutes? Five hours? I couldn't tell, but my body felt weak and exhausted. I rubbed my eyes, jolted upright and used my Peplos to cover my chest.
I quickly shook Anastasios awake, calling his name frantically. I saw him jolt awake and he looked at me before looking back at Sparta, and we both watched in horror as we saw an army of persians attack the city. The two of us immediately got up, I put on my Peplos and Anastasios put on his chiton and himation, unsheathed his sword from the back of his belt, and glanced at me.

-"Xenovia, follow me! I will get you to safety!" He shouted as we both ran back to the city.
His hand had a death grip on mine, making sure I wouldn't be separated from him, as we were both running as fast as we could to the burning city. When we got closer to the entrance, our ears were overwhelmed with the sounds of painful screaming and metals clashing together. It was haunting, frightening, terrifying, but all of those would be a severe understatement from the horrors we were about to see.

The first things we saw as we stepped foot in the entrance of Sparta, were Persian soldiers massacring innocent villagers, Spartans running to defend the city. But both of us knew it was too late. Or so we thought.
The general, covered in blood from the Persians he killed, ran up to us.

-"Anastasios, you came here at just the right time!" He shouts relieved, and glanced at me with his deep black eyes partially hidden by his helmet.
Anastasios and I let out a sigh of relief, and Anastasios spoke with a relieved tone in his voice;

-"father! I'm so glad you are alive! Forgive me for not being in the agoge, I was with Xenovia and-" before he could finish his sentence, the general cut him off.

-"quiet Anastasios! I don't have time to hear your rambles!" He shouted and turned his head to me, and handed me his spear. He spoke again, not shouting anymore but his voice still loud and powerful.

-"you, girl who has been blessed by Athena, take my spear! Guide the people to safety! As for you, my son, come with me and defend Sparta, battle your enemies like a proper soldier!" He spoke, and unsheathed his sword from his belt, gestured Anastasios to the battle and the two ran into combat.
I held the spear tight in my hands, and started running, gathering as many people as I could. I led most of them to the entrance, signalling them to keep going until they reached the gates. But I felt something was missing... Katerina and Demitrius!
As I was prepared to run back to the city, a young woman grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

-"please don't go, child of Athena! It is too dangerous to go back!" She yelled with panic, and a man from the large crowd spoke up.

-"she's right, young one. Please do not worry, you have gathered enough of us." He spoke gently to me, but I gently brushed off her hands away from my shoulder and spoke to her in a sincere yet serious voice;

-"I must go back and get the rest! I will make sure each and every one of you is safe!" Then, without hesitation, I ran back to Sparta as fast as I could, praying to the gods above that the couple is still alive.

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