In the arms of a goddess

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I walked out of the house, the satchel of food in my arms. I walked through the city, and saw many people occupying the markets. Out of curiosity, I decided to go there and see what was on sale. I was looking at the different stalls and the goods they had to offer. Although I didn't have any drachmae to buy anything, it was certainly interesting to just look.
I decided to stay in the market for the day, hoping to find some goods I could later buy when I get enough drachmae. As it got close to mid-day, the sun was beaming down on the city, casting a spell of heat onto the people.
I could feel my hair stick to my forehead and back of my neck from the sweat dripping down.

I felt overwhelmed by the heat, and started to feel weak. As I continued to push through, I approached a well. I let out a sigh of relief as I sat down nearby, and dropped the satchel in my lap, my head tilted back as I let out another deep sigh and closed my eyes from exhaustion. When I finally gained enough strength to stand up, I felt something furry brush up against my bicep, and a quiet meow next to my ear. I opened my eyes and beside me, I saw an adorable Calico cat rubbing its head against me. I smiled and ran my fingers through its soft fur, kissing the top of its head.

After several minutes of pampering and petting the small cat, I stand up with shaky legs, pick up the satchel of food and walk to the well that is already full of water.
I set down the satchel, took the hydria vase that was sitting on the edge, and scooped the water in the recipient. I look around, hoping nobody is looking, and I drink the water. I felt the coldness wash down my throat and spread all over my body, giving me energy. After drinking at least half of the water in the hydria, I set it back down on the edge of the well, but I felt the cat climb on my tunic and dug its claws digging into my shoulder as it clings onto me. I get startled, stumbling a few steps backwards and wince in pain from the claws of the cat, and I shortly let out giggles.
I pet the cat on its head, squatted down to pick up the satchel of food, and continued walking down the busy streets, getting a few looks along the way.

As I approached the city centre, I noticed a large crowd gathered around the entrance of the market, and the sounds of a whip cracking and the faint grunts of a man rang in my ears. I was concerned, and quickly walked over to the crowd while making sure the cat didn't fall off my shoulder. I shuffled myself through the crowds, and my eyes widened in horror as I saw Anastasios getting whipped by the general. The cat hissed and unsheathed its claws. I let out a quiet hiss of pain, and glanced at a man beside me, and whispered in his direction.

-"what happened?" I asked nervously, the cat crawling on my shoulder and falling on the satchel in my arms, which I clutch so neither could fall.
The man looked at me, and leaned in so he could whisper clearly in my ear.

-"the boy was caught stealing food..." He whispered and leaned back.
I looked at the scene, trying to hold back my tears. I didn't want to reveal my presence to Anastasio or the general, by fear that if the general found out of my presence, I would have to meet an equally worse punishment. So I stood there, watching it all unfold...

I could only count 20 whips before I looked away and sneakily hid behind a few people from the crowd. I couldn't bear to watch it anymore. The cat on the satchel clawed my tunic and sat on my other shoulder. After several long minutes that felt like hours, the crowd dissipated and the general left, leaving only me and Anastasios alone. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I ran to him. I fell to my knees beside him, and the cat leaped off of me and let out a silent hiss as it paced around us.
I set the satchel aside, and slowly trace the rashes and cuts on his back as he was kneeled on the ground, his breathing is as heavy as the boulder of Sisyphus. I saw his body tense up and I retracted my hand from him, but got startled when his hand snatched my wrist and pressed it against his back again.
I could hear him speak through the pain, his deep brown eyes gazing into mine.

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