Athena's rage

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I ran through the debris, jumping above the corpses of both persians and Spartans, feeling the flames cling on my skin and the heat flowing through the blood in my veins. The chaos, the bloodshed, the fire, it was like running through Tartarus.

The fire tainted the sky red, and the black smoke choked out the clouds above. I felt a burst of energy run through my body, and I tried increasing the speed of my running, taking sharp turns around the collapsing building and almost slipping on the blood soaked floor, and striking other Persian soldiers with the spear. As I neared the temple of Hera where Katerina would be, my eyes widened at the sight of a blood trail. I stopped in my tracks, and bent down to feel the trail with my fingertips. It was fresh blood. What I feared the most. I hesitantly walked up the steps leading to the entrance of the temple, and to my horror, I saw a trail of bodies leading to one of the prayer rooms.

I made no hesitation in following the trail in a hurry, running down the halls and into the prayer room where the blood trail led, and saw that the entrance was partially broken. As I slowly crept into the room, the first thing I saw was a Persian soldier and Demitrius battling, while Katerina is curled in the corner and injured.

I felt my blood boil, and I gripped my spear in my hands and sprinted towards the soldier, thrusting my spear at the back of the Persian soldier while letting out an angered scream, and threw him on the ground. But it was too late. Once his body hit the ground, I saw Demitrius on the floor, his chest covered in his own blood. I let out a quiet sob, and I collapsed to my knees beside him and dropped my spear.
Katerina got up and limped towards us, and also sat down beside me. She held his hand and cried as he cupped her cheek in his bloodied palm.
I looked into his dark eyes that were slowly losing life, and I spoke softly through my sobs;

-"please don't go!" I begged through my tears, and felt his other hand held mine. He then pulled his hands away, took off his helmet and dropped it in my lap. His voice was quiet and hoarse as he spoke to me.

-"take my helmet, descendent of Athena... Protect our people... Lead them to safety..." He spoke weakly to me, and closed his eyes, and his body went limp. I heard his last breath and it made me cry. I felt tears streaming down my face and I held Katerina in my arms as she sobbed. I felt my heart ache with grief, but I felt something else. Something more intense. I wiped away my tears, took the helmet and wore it on my head. I held onto my spear, held her hand gently and lifted her up with one swift motion. I led her out of the temple before anymore hands. I felt a strength I never had before.

We both ran through the city, hiding behind buildings to not get caught up in the battle. I could hear the screaming ringing in my ears. It was haunting. But just as we were about to get to the gates, an arrow hit Katerina in the back of the leg, and she fell to the floor screaming in pain. I dropped at my knees and tried to help her, examining her injured leg.

-"don't worry, I'll help you, stay stro-" but before I could finish my sentence, a Persian soldier came up to me and was about to deliver a deadly blow with his spear, but a pair of swords jabbed through his abdomen, and he fell to the floor, lifeless. My eyes widened and I saw the twins, both injured but not anything fatal. They both ran up to Katerina and helped her to her feet. The one with the blue eyes, Alexander, glanced at me, and spoke in a serious voice.

-"we will take her to safety with the others! You can rescue the others left in the city! Good luck, Athena." He winked playfully and the two boys helped Katerina out of the city and towards the people near the gates.

I nodded, clutched the spear in my right hand, and ran through the city in search of any injured civilians in need of help. I felt a new kind of strength flow through my veins. A strength that feels almost godly, in a way.
I kept running, spearing any Persian soldier in my way, striking their hearts and abdomen with the spear in my hands. Along the way, I could hear some of the Spartan soldiers shouting through the battlefield;

-"it's Athena! She has come to battle alongside us!" A young soldier shouts.
-"Athena is with us! Gods be praised!"
-"Our city is saved! The goddess is protecting us!" One of the older soldiers exclaims.
-"Courage soldiers! Do not falter before our goddess! We must show her that we will protect our city to the death" one of the elite soldiers shouts at the rest.

As I ran to the king's palace, I saw one of the elite Persian soldiers trying to break down the doors. I felt anger boil under my skin, and once I got close enough, I thrust my spear deep into his abdomen, throwing him on the ground.

But as I was about to go back to look for any more injured civilians, I heard the sound of someone shooting an arrow from their bow. I tried to turn around but it was too late already. I felt the arrow strike the side of my neck, knocking me to the ground. The taste of Iron flooded my mouth and I spat out blood. This time, I felt a new kind of feeling. A feeling of uncontrollable anger. An anger so uncontrollable that I felt the need to cause destruction.

I slowly got up, my hands were shaking and my body was in pain. But it was nothing compared to what I was feeling. My blood was boiling and my skin felt like it was on fire. I gripped the arrow lodged in my neck tightly, and yanked it as hard as I could. I threw it on the ground and crushed it under my sandals. I could feel blood trickling down my neck, and I slowly turned around to face the Persian who shot me. I gripped the spear in my hands, and ran towards him as fast as I could. Now I knew what I was feeling.

I didn't give the soldier time to think, before I kicked him to the ground, cut off his arms and struck him multiple times. After I couldn't hear his screams of pain, I pulled my spear from his jugular, kicked him aside and ran into the battlefield. My thoughts, my mind, everything inside me was clouded with rage.
I speared every Persian soldier I came across. I struck their hearts, their lungs, their abdomens, but I kept aiming for their heads as well.

I was breathing heavily from the fights, and partially covered in blood, but I was just getting started. A group of Persian soldiers surrounded me, and I wasted no time fighting them all. I speared their heads, their hearts, anywhere that I knew could kill them. They did manage to deliver some painful blows to my chest and back, but that only fueled my rage even more. When I was done with the few Persians left, one of the soldiers delivered a blow to my shoulder down my back with his sword.
I turned around quickly, thrusting my spear into his abdomen and threw him against the last few I was about to finish off, throwing them to the ground. I pulled out my spear from his body and struck the downed soldiers in the head. I could feel their blood and my blood trickling down my body, and I stepped away from the pile of dead bodies, walking back towards the city.

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