To dream about reality

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I woke up in a damp, thick forest covered in fog. I couldn't even see at least five feet ahead of me. I don't know how I got there, or where I am, but it looks familiar. I slowly got up and brushed off the mud off of my tunic.

I walked around the forest, my bare feet touching the wet soil and the damp grass blades. It felt weird and uncomfortable, but it's not like I can't get used to it. I felt uneasy. As if something bad had happened there recently.

-"hello!? Is anybody there!? Hello!?" I called out, but for some reason, I could barely hear my own voice. I tried shouting, but no results. My voice remained as quiet as the heartbeat of a mouse.
I started running and running through the forest, hearing the gentle thuds of my feet hitting the ground. Tears fell down my eyes, and I collapsed to my knees, almost giving up. Is this where it all ends? Is this where the gods have led me?

I started losing hope, but then I heard the familiar caws of a raven. I then felt a sharp pair of talons pull on my hair, which brought me back to reality and jolted upright to my feet. I saw a raven, perched on a branch, cawing at me and flying away, as if telling me to follow it.
Without hesitation, I followed the raven deeper into the forest. But then, in the corner of my eye, I saw someone... I stopped and turned my head towards the figure, and saw myself. In a hospital gown. With bandages on my head. I stared at myself in disbelief. Who is this? Why does she look like me?

I then saw my "clone" gesture her head behind herself. I took a step closer, stepping behind her.
I felt a wave of agony wash over my body and soul, as I saw myself again. Laying on the ruined floor of the temple of Hera. Surrounded by two boys that look oddly familiar. And then I saw the couple again but... They are all wearing modern clothing. And then I saw... Oh god... I know what it is. An ambulance! After scratching my head for what feels like an eternity, I see a group of people dressed in modern uniforms carrying me in a gurney and rushing me into the rear of the ambulance. As I looked back, I then found myself in a hallway. Was this the hospital!? But I thought I was in the forest!

I slowly made my way down the hallway, and at the end was a door. I reached my hand out to the knob and slowly opened the door. And I saw myself, in a hospital gown, hooked up to several machines. And I saw the two boys, the elderly couple, a doctor and... Anastasios!? But he too, was wearing modern clothes. I approached myself and put my hand on my own, squeezing it gently. I then heard the doctor speak.

-"I'm sorry, but we had to put your daughter in a medically induced coma. The damage the aneurysm has done to her brain is too much for us to handle it with surgical intervention and medication. We don't know when she will wake up. It could take days, weeks, months, years... Or she might never wake up. But she is in good hands, and her body is healing well. But there is no guarantee that she will be able to wake up anytime soon." He said with sorrow in his voice, and I saw the couple crying, as well as Anastasios and the two boys... But then that's when a flood of memories came back to me, and I took several steps away from myself.
The couple... Those are my parents! And the two boys are my brothers... And Anastasios... That's my boyfriend!

Before I could say or do anything, I suddenly woke up.

The sun was shining in my room, it's light beaming on the Hyacinth flowers on the desk. I felt the heat from the summer weather wash over my skin, wrapping me like a blanket. I set up, lifting my arms up and stretched my back. I tried remembering the dream I had earlier, but every memory I had about it was gone.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. I let out a yawn and walked over to the door. I opened it, and made my way downstairs.
I arrived at the living quarters of the house, and saw the elderly couple sitting down at a wooden table, eating their breakfast. The table was adorned with plates of cheese, bread, and fruits.
The husband looked at me with a fatherly look in his eyes, and elderly priestess smiled warmly at me. I felt some sort of familiarity with them. As if I knew them before. Their smile, the way they spoke to me, and the way they acted with me, it was as if they were my parents.

I sat down with them and took a satchel from a hook near the door, which was where the husband would hang his himation, and filled it up with some cheese, bread and fruits.
I got up, still holding the satchel of food in my hands.

-"I'm sorry for being in such a rush, I have something important to do today. I will see you at sunset!" I said enthusiastically, with a wide smile on my face.

-"okay, don't wander too far! And don't get lost, young one!" The husband says with sarcasm and humour in his voice. The elderly priestess lets out a laugh, and gestures to me to come closer.
I walked up to her, and handed me a necklace with an owl pendant, and she tied it around my neck securely.

-"May the goddess Athena protect you." She whispered in my ear. I smiled, and simply nodded to her before I walked out the door, closing it behind me.

I walked down the streets, filled with a confidence I never had before.

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