Getting used to it

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I woke up with the worst feeling ever. My head was pounding, and I was confused. What happened? Where am I? I looked around, my vision was still blurry, until I managed to realise where I am. The temple of Hera. I was surrounded by priestesses dressed in ionic chiton, and their hair was put up in braided bun.
They tugged on my blue wool dress, and one of the younger ones curiously examined my obsidian necklace.
It took me a while to take in my surroundings. I was in some sort of room, on a cotton mattress and partially covered with a blanket.

I sat up and I brushed their hands away from me. I rubbed my eyes and let out a quiet yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand to be polite. The group of priestesses took a few steps back, and whispered amongst each other in a more sophisticated version of greek. Which I assumed was how they spoke greek at the time before modernization.

-"Her hair is so curly, and so long. Look at the way the tips touch her knees," One of the young priestesses whispered.
-"She has such intricate eyes, like a forest or swamp submerged in water," A priestess in her early adulthood whispered.
-"Look at the colour and the curls of her hair, it's so red, almost like fire," A teen priestess whispered.
-"Her outfit is strange, where does she come from?" A younger priestess whispered.
-"She is probably a foreigner. We must be careful around her..." An older priestess whispered.
-"But she looks like Athena. With her eyes and her hair-" the youngest of the group whispered before a priestess who seems to be in her late 30's shushes her.
-"Shush, child! We don't speak of the gods this way!" She whispered loudly to the youngest, who looks down and apologises.

The eldest of the priestesses, a woman who seems to be in her late 50's, sat on the edge of my bed, and handed me a Dorian Peplos that was the colour of leek leaves. She had a kind smile on her face which made me smile in return.

-"What is your name, dear? Where do you come from?" She asked with a quiet voice. The rest of the priestesses looked at me with a mixture of feelings. Caution, worry, curiosity, but also a hint of hospitality.

-"Xenovia... I come from Greece..." I responded in Greek, and hold the Dorian Peplos in my hands. I felt my head aching, and I lift up my hand to feel my forehead. My fingertips felt the thick wool bandages wrapped around my head, and I winced in pain. I lowered my hand to quickly hold the leek green Peplos in my lap.

-"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," She said with kindness in her heart, and gestured to the Peplos in my hands.

-"Go, get changed. You will look less of a stranger," She simply said and stepped away from the bed to give me space. She signaled the group to leave the room, leaving the eldest woman alone with me. After they left, I undressed myself, exposing my muscular yet lean physique, and tried to put on the Peplos but had trouble figuring out how.

The elderly priestess saw me struggling and walks up to me, instructing me how to put it on. After a few attempts I successfully put on the Peplos. I wrapped the thick square of fabric around me, adjusted the corners so they draped over my shoulders, and fastened the waist with a thin leather rope. I then fastened the shoulder with some fibulae the priestess had given me earlier. It fit me perfectly, and the wool was comfortable, but it was slightly itchy because of my long hair brushing against the fabric.

-"You look ravishing, darling. Now come, join us for the festival. I'm sure you will love the food. You look rather hungry after all," She said with excitement, holding my hand and leading me outside.

It was close to sunset, and I could see the villagers getting ready for what seemed to be some sort of grand festival. She explained to me that the festival, was dedicated to the god Apollo. She led me to the Hyacinthus, and told me that they were going to sacrifice their animals, and pray for a prophecy from the Oracle.
I got to witness the sacrifices, which made me sick to the stomach, but I didn't complain. I kept my cool and tried to be polite, asking questions about the sacrifices and what they were for, which she answered with the same politeness.

She then led me to the table where they would host their feasts, which was adorned with fruits, meats, and wine.
She offered me a small bowl of grapes which I accepted, and ate while she was telling me about the festival.
I listened to everything, and was also captivated by the ancient greek she spoke, which was different from the modernized greek that I was used to hearing.

Along the way, she taught me poems, songs, and different prayers as well.
We both waited for the sun to set, and the festival was about to begin. I was both excited and nervous for this moment. I had never been to a festival, or even to a party for that matter. So this was certainly something new I was about to experience for the first time.

When it became dark, the elderly priestess gave me a bowl of hot beef stew, and led me to a stone bench near the temple. I could feel the heat of one of the bonfires that was near the bench at the entrance of the temple. I sat down and watched as the elderly priestess left to get the young girls ready for the festivities.
My eyes slowly closed again, but this time not from fatigue. I wanted to enjoy the moment. I felt like this was a perfect opportunity to learn about the ancient customs of my native country and city.

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