You woke up to your mom shaking you. She was saying something about school? Oh wait school! You quickly sat up and looked at your mom. "Your gonna be late for your first day of school. " you jumped out of bed and your started to leave. " I'll pack your lunch for today ok? " she said " ok. " you said in a hurry.
You changed you of your pajamas and into your school uniform you looked into the mirror and brushed out your hair.
Then you just looked at yourself with no emotion. Hopefull my people don't treat me the same way they did at my old school, you thought to yourself. You had gotten bullied at your old school for months you finally decided to tell your mom once it got physical, bit even when things weren't physical it was was torture they said mean things and brought down your self esteem a lot. After that your mom decided to homeschool you for about a month and a half
but you had gotten into a prestigious school mostly full of rich people you weren't exactly rich but not poor either. You had gotten in because you were smart. Y/n, y/n come down here. Your moms yells for you knocked you out of your trans. "Coming" you yelled as you rushed down the stairs.
When you got to the bottom of the stairs your mom looked at you. "Your bag is on the counter with your lunch in it, but befor you go grab an apple or something ok? " "ok." you replied, you grab your bag and an apple off the counter and you started to leave. "Hey do you remember the way? " you mom asked. " Yep I remember see you after school. " and with that you left.
When you got to school you just stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the school it read Hunter Academy in big letters. You were scared what if people didn't like you what if you got bullied like you did at your old school what if you had to be homeschooled again, you didn't like being homeschooled.
"Ummmm.... Are you just ganna stand there orrrrr... ? " you looked over at a girl with long curly blond hair. " hey are you new here I've never seen you before? " she asked. "Umm ya actually I am. " you said nervously. " Well in that case wanna be friends my names Retz. " she said with a smile. "Yes I would love that my names y/n."
You both started walking into the building. "Hey what's your first class? " she asked. "Oh let me check" you pulled out schedule you picked up from the principal yesterday and gave it to her.
" hey we're in all the same classes except for one after lunch! " she said excitedly. "Really?! " you ask also kind exited. "Ya! " she said smiling. I'm so happy I made a friend, and we're in almost all the same classes you thought to your self. While you and Retz walked to class you guys talked about you family and stuff Intel you reached the door. "We're here" she said as she opened the door.