the water park

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Y/n's POV:
After school you waited with Ritz for Gon and Killua. "So what type of swimsuit did you bring? " Ritz asked. You were glad she said something because it was getting kinda awkward. "Oh it's a (one piece, bikini, swim trunks and a shirt). " you said. "Oh that sounds really cute I bet you'll look good in it. " she said smiling. "Thank you. What about you, what type of swimsuit did you bring? " you asked. "Oh I brought swim shorts and a shirt I just feel more comfortable in them. " she said. "Well I bet you'll look good. " you said smiling. "Hey guys did you wait long? " you turned around to see Gon and Killua. "No only about two or three minutes. " Retz said looking at Gon. "Well are you guys ready my dad said he would drive us. He's over there. " Gon said pointing to a black mini van. "Oh ok. " you said as you all started walking towards the van.

"Hey took you long enough. " the man in the van said. "Sorry me and Killua were talking. " Gon said as he opened the van door. "Is that what took you so long? " you asked getting into the van. "Ya you guys could've just talked out here and not in the school so we didn't have to wait. " Retz said also getting into the van. "Well it was kinda private. " Gon said looking at killua, he blushed and turned away. "I don't care what the hell you were talking about just get in the van so we can go. " Gon's dad said.
Gon and Killue got in the van and got buckled. Gon and Retz were in the second row sitting next to each other and you and Killua were sitting in the last row together.

The ride wasn't that long since the water park wasn't very far. Gon's dad stoped in front of the water park and gave gon one hundred bucks so we could get in and for some snacks. "Ok I'm off. " Gon's dad said as he drove away. You saw Killua run up to Gon and whispere something.

Killua's POV:
"Hey Gon can you later me pay for listener? " I asked. "Why? " he asked. "Well I don't want her to think I'm poor or super dependent on you. " I said. "Oh I get it. " Gon said in a teasing way. "Well will you? " I asked. " ya you can. " he said. " thanks. " I said as I walked back to Y/N. " Hey looks like I'll be paying for you. " I said smiling. "Oh ok did Gon not get enough money? " she asked looking confused. "Kinda." I said. I really didn't wanna lie.

We made it to the counter and Gon paid for Retz and I paid for Y/N then we finally made it inside the water park. I could see Y/N's face light up when she saw an ice cream stand. "Hey how about you two go change we'll be right back. " I said looking at Gon and Retz. " ok after we'll meet you back here. " Gon said smirking at me. Once they left Y/N looked confused but didn't say anything. I grabed Y/N's hand and walked over to the ice cream stand. "I could tell you wanted some. " I said letting go of her hand. "Was my face that obvious. " she said laughing. I blushed, wow she's so cute when she's laughing. I thought as my face turned red.

Wait... Was he blushing? You could feel butterflies enter your stomach and you couldn't help but smile. "Thank you. " you said slightly blushing. "Ya I just thought it would make you happy. " he said looking away. Wow he actually wants to make me happy, you thought. "Well you were right. " you said smiling.

Once the line had ended he finally ordered your ice cream after you told him what flavor you wanted. "Here." he said handing you the cone. "Thanks but did you get any? " you asked. "Oh no I didn't but it's fine. " "have some of mine. " you said handing him the cone.

Killua's POV:
Holy shit she actually want me to try it even though she already liked it. I blushed like crazy and grabed the cone. "T-thank you. " I said, I couldn't help but stutter. I liked the ice cream then gave it back. "Wow that's really good. " I said still blushing. "I know, you should've gotton some too, but I don't mind sharing. " she said smiling.
Oh god, I could feel myself getting hard and turned towards the bathroom. "W-we should go change. " I said pointing toward the bathroom. "Ok." She said and we both walked towards the bathroom. She went into the lady's room and I walked I to the men's. Luckily there was no one else in there. I walked into one of the stalls and took care of my... Problem as fast as I could. She's just so cute, I don't want anyone else to have her.

I finished and changed into my swimsuit. I then walked out side and was surprised to see she wasn't there. I was positive she would have finished before me. I just waited for her out side of the bathroom.

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