When we got to the top I smirked when I saw how people were going down. It was a lot different from the other rides but... I didn't mind. It was one of those rides where your both facing each other so one of you goes backwards down the slide. Usually on slides you rest your legs by the person in front of you side, but scence we're both facing each other our legs will be touching and I'll get a close up of her thighs.
My face turned red as I thought about her thighs, and I couldn't help but think about the other places I would get a close up of.
I looked away, ashamed that I was thinking that when she was right next to me. But I quickly turned back when I heard the life guard call us over.We gave the tube to the life gaurd who put it in the water, and then told us to sit down. I was overly excited when I sat down wanting to see Y/N, but she didn't sit down, she was just standing there. I looked over at her and noticed her face.... She's totally blushing, I can tell it's not her sunburn. Is she embarrassed to sit down cause she doesn't want me to see her with her legs spread?
I looked up at her. "It's okay. " I said smiling trying to make her feel better. She nodded and went to sit down... Here it comes. I thought as she sat down quickly realizing how creepy I was acting... Maybe I shouldn't look... I mean that's why she didn't wanna sit down in the first place, she'll probably be watching to make sure I don't look...
Y/N sat down, and I could tell she was embarrassed. She was trying her best not to look me in the eye and her face was bright red. As she sat down she tried to keep her thighs together the best she could but it just wouldn't work. She had to put her legs on both sides of me or the life guard would correct her.
As she sat down she looked away to the side making sure she didn't look at my face. My eyes started to wandere and I couldn't help but look at her legs spread... My face quickly turned a bright shade of red and I could feel my pants tighten as I moved my eyes more towards her inner thighs.. I shouldn't be doing this. I thought, but my eyes wouldn't look away. I continued to stare at her thighs trying to make it not very obvious... I wanted to feel her so badly... I bet her thighs are smooth and soft... My mind started to fill with all sorts of dirty thoughts. But I quickly looked away when heard the life guard.
"You guys ready? " he asked. I nodded as my reply and he started to move the tube into the slide, until it finnaly went down.At the bottom of the slide we both got out and gave the tube to the life guard at the bottom.
"That was fun." I said.
"It was. " she said smiling. I could feel my heart flutter as I saw her smile at me.
"Should we get some food now? " I asked.
"Yeah I'm pretty hungry. " she replied as we started walking towards the general area where most the food was.
"What are you feeling like? " I asked.
"I don't know whatever you want is fine. " she replied.
"Pizza?" I asked.
"Yeah sure, pizza sounds good. " she said. I grabbed her hand and started walking towards the pizza stand.
Y/N waited at the table as I ordered, eventually getting two slices and walking back to sit with her.After we ate our pizza we decided to head back to Gon and Retz. We all met up at the ice cream stand and left together.
"Well I sure had fun! " Gon said excitedly.
"Yeah I'm glad we came. " I said as we left the water park and stopped at the entrance of the water park.
"Jean isn't comming back to get us so we have to walk home. And me and Retz live pretty close so I think we should split up. Me and Retz and you and Y/N " Gon said.
"Yeah I don't live to far from Y/N so that shouldn't be a problem. " I said.
All of use agreed to split up and me and Y/N waved Gon and Retz goodbye as we turned and walk away together.