Y/n's POV:
It was now night and you were just laying in bed in your pj's, bored and wide awake.
You just couldn't seem to fall asleep, you were too busy thinking about your date on Monday. What should I wear? You thought, as you got out of bed and walked over to the closet.
"Hhmmm...maybe this?" You said, grabbing one of your more fancy dresses out of the closet and holding to your chest. You looked in the mirror and didn't really like it.
"Hhmmm, no. How about....this one." You said, putting the old one away and grabbing another. You held it to your chest and looked back in the mirror.
"Yes, definitely this one." You said laying the dress on a desk in the corner of your room and sitting back down on your bed.
"If only I had said Sunday instead of Monday." You fell backwards falling into the bed, your legs still hanging off.
"What am I even going to do tomorrow." You said, sighing.
"Maybe I'll see what Retz is up to." You said, picking up your phone and holding it directly above your face.
"Hey, I was wondering if maybe you're free tomorrow?" You texted, but you didn't expect her to reply since it was la-
"Nothing, wanna come over?" She replied. Jeeze, just how late does she stay up?
"Yeah sure." You replied.
"I have a neighborhood pool, if you wanna go swimming?" She replied.
"Really? Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun." You texted.
"Okay, I'll invite Gon too. Make sure to not forget your swimsuit" She replied.
"Yeah, I won't." You replied.
"So come over at 11:00, that's when it's the least busy." She texted.
"Alright." You texted, and then put your phone aside. I should probably go to sleep now. You thought, it was getting pretty late and you didn't want to be supper tired tomorrow at the pool.
"Even if I can't, I should at least try." You said, getting of your bed ant turning off the light. You laid down and tried to get comfortable, but it was just so hot. You threw your blanket on the floor and took off your shirt leaving you in a sports bra and underwear, which was a lot better. And soon you fell asleep.Killua's POV:
"Finally, she fell asleep. I've been waiting out here for hours." I say as I open her window. Luckily she's not super paranoid anymore, so she always forgets to lock the windows. I crawl inside her room and instantly get hard when I see her half naked laying on her bed. Im glad I stole Milluki's inferred camera. I reached into my bag and pulled it out, then walked a bit closer and took a lot of pictures. I had to get every angle. I only took about two or three pictures for each angle, because sadly the camera made a shudder noise and I'm not sure how to turn it off or if you even can. I'm not good with high tech stuff like Milluki is, so I sadly only got around 25 pictures before I noticed she was kinda coming out of her sleep from the noise.I crawled back out the window, and gently shut it before walking away. I started going through the pictures of her on the camera. I'll ask Milluki to print these out later and...like...develop them or whatever the hell you do. I may not be able to cover my whole room in pictures of her but 25 is definitely enough to jerk off to.
Y/n's POV:
You woke up around 11:00 since you went to bed late. You reached over to the night stand and grabbed your phone, and when you opened it you saw the text messages from last night.
"So come over at 11:00, that's when it's the least busy." You read. Then you look at the time.
Ohh fucckkkk. You think. It takes around 25 minuets to get to her house. You jump out of bed and then throw on your swimsuit along with your shorts and a shirt over it. You open the closet and grab your shoes along with some socks. If only I had brought sandals. You think as you tie up your shoes. Then you grab your phone and head down stairs.
"You're up kinda late." Your aunt says, sitting on the couch.
"Yeah I over slept and I'm late to something. Do you think I can borrow your car?" You ask.
"Go ahead, the keys are hanging up by the door." She says, as she unpaused her show.You grabbed the keys and headed out the door. You opened the car door and checked your phone, 11:07.
"I've gotta hurry." You said as you got in the car and left.