You woke up to an empty bed. "Where's killua?" You thought as you tried to stand up out of bed. Right as your foot touched the floor you felt a sharp pain in leg and sat back down. "Oh ya, my leg." You thought as you grabbed your leg and softly rubbed it to stop the pain. Suddenly the door swung open and killua walked in.
"Good morning darling." He said as he sat down on the bed next to you and kissed your forehead.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked while rubbing your cheek.
"Yeah, I slept fine." You said as you pulled his hand off your cheek. Killua looked worried.
"Is something the matter?" He asked trying to touch your face. You pulled away so he couldn't touch you.
"Killua." You said in a serious voice.
"I don't wanna stay here, let me go." You said looking him in the eyes. His expression changed, and his eyes turned cold.
"I'm sorry, but I just can't do that. You might try to run away and leave me. And we can't have that now can we." He said as grabbed your wrist tightly.
"Then can't we at least go somewhere, I don't wanna stay here." You said.
"No, you still might try to escape, maybe when you learn to obey me." He said leaning closer to you.
"I can learn. I will learn. Please I can obey, just please can we leave." You said in a desperate voice. "You have to prove to me that you can obey." He said, his face still serious.
"Yeah, I can do that. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." You said. You could see a smirk form across killua's face.
"Alright, I'm gonna ask you to do three things, and if you refuse even one of them, we will not be going out for awhile. He said, looking so sure you would fail.
"Yes, I'll do it." You said, feeling super confident. Killua leaned super close to your face, until your lips were almost touching.
"Kiss me." He said with a smirk. You could feel your cheeks heat up at his words.
"What!?" You asked, not expecting his request. He grabbed the back of your head so you couldn't pull away.
"Well if you can't do it, I guess we can't go ou-" you cut him off as you smashed your lips against his. Your face turned bright red as you kissed him. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as he deepened the kiss. He finally broke the kiss, a smug smile on his face.
"I wasn't expecting that, I thought you would have chickened out." He said.
"Just asked tell me your next request." You said, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. Killua thought for a moment before he said.
"Alright, I want you to let me kiss your neck." He said, he knew that was your weak spot and didn't think you would let him.
"Fine, do it." You said without hesitation. You moved your hair out of the way and moved your head to the side so he could access your neck easier. Hid face looked shocked but glad at the same time. He leaned in, and you closed your eyes. His lips slowly came in contact with your neck, and when they did you could feel your body shiver. He slowly kissed you neck, making sure to not miss a single spot. You could feel his tongue touch your skin, and he started sucking on your neck with the intention to leave a mark.After awhile he pulled away. He had left a pretty noticeable hicky on your neck.
"Perfect." He said smirking.
"Are you done yet?" You asked, wanting this to be over.
"Yeah, I'm done." He said as he pulled away.
"Alright, tell me the next thing." You said, happy that you were on the last request.
"It's fine, you already proved that you can obey." He said. "Yes!" You thought, feeling relieved there were no more requests.
"But, wherever we are, it doesn't matter if we're in public or not. If I ask you to, you have to sit on my lap. If you refuse we will come straight back here." He said with a smirk from ear to ear. Your heart sank hearing his words.
"What!?" You asked.
"Yep, you have to. Or we won't go out again for a long time." He said standing up. You sighed.
"Fine." You said. Killua picked you up in his arms, knowing it's hard for you to walk.
"Good." He said, as he walked out of his room. He continued walking through this huge house while he talked with you.
"So where do you even wanna go? Maybe it could be like a date. Just the two of us." He smirked and moved his eyebrows up and down.
"No, this isn't a date at all. I just want to spend some time outside and go have some fun. You just happen to be the one taking me." You said.
"Whatever you say princess." He said as he continued to carry you out of the mansion.
"We should go get a coffee or maybe go to the book store or something." You said as killua carried you out of his house.Author: hey I'm really sorry if this chapter seemed boring or not well made. I'm feeling really tired and I didn't know what to write. But I didn't want to wait any longer to make another chapter, so I'm really sorry that this one is kinda bad. I have good ideas for the next one and I promise it'll be better than this one.