water park part 3

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You guys finally made it to the slide. Retz grabbed a tube and you helped her carry it to the top. Gon and Killua were going together too. Once you made it to the top you slid down and it was pretty fun going with Retz, but when you all got to the bottom Killua glared at Retz and said.
"I'm going with y/n this time."
"Haha no" Retz responded trying to make sure I don't go with him again.
"Actually." You said trying to get their attention, but they didn't hear you they were arguing too loud.
"Umm excuse me I was actually gonna go with Gon." Right when you said that Killua's aura changed. Retz looked at you and smiled "That's a great idea!" She said. You could tell Killua didn't look happy.
Killua's POV:
Shit, that's right she never went with Gon. But it's my turn to go with her, I don't want anyone else to go with her.
"Actually I kinda wanted to go with Retz again." Gon said winking at me. YES! I've never been more happy in my life!
"Oh... Then I'll go alone." Y/N said. NO! I've never been more sad in my life. Why doesn't she wanna go with me? Is it because of what I said to the life guard?
"Okay, but can I pick the ride? It's my favorite and I really wanna go on it with you guys!" Gon said.
What!? How could he be agreeing to this I thought he was on my side.
"It's that one right over there!" Gon pointed to the biggest ride in the park. Oh ya I know that ride, that's what he was planning.if I remember correctly that ride is so big there's only one tube for everyone, so we could fit all four of us. Wow Gon I thought you were dumb.
We walked over to the ride and got in line.
"How come we don't have to carry any tubs?" Retz asked.
"Oh they bring them up to the top using a machine so you don't have to carry them." Gon said.
"Oh that's handy." Retz replied. Once we got to the top Y/N and Retz realized why they carry the tubs using a machine.
"Wait are we all going together!?"Retz asked confused.
"Yeah do you have a problem with it?" I asked.
"N-no, but I wanna sit with Y/N." She said.
"Well it's not guaranteed that you're gonna sit next to Y/N because the life guard seats you." I said smirking.
She glared at me and I stuck my tongue at her. By the time it was our turn to be seated the ife guard weighed each of us individually to figure out who sits next to who. The life guard called me first and told me to sit in the back, she then called Gon and told him to sit across from me, she then called Y/N and told her to sit next to me and I was so happy. Retz had to sit on the other side of me so her and Y/N were sitting across from each other.
I could see Retz glaring at me so I just looked at her and smiled teasingly and stuck my tongue out at her again.
"Are you guys ready?" The life guard asked
"Yeah we're ready!" Gon said excitedly. The life guard gave us a push and we started to go down. The whole time the ride was really dark, none of us could see but then we went out into the lighter part of the ride it was really fun. The tube would move side to side slpashing us all with lots of water, it was pretty funny. But then ride was over.
"That was fun!" Gon said excitedly as we all stepped out of the tube.
"Yeah it was." Retz replied.
I looked at Gon with a certain face that told him to take Retz and leave.
"Hey Retz look at that ride doesn't it look fun!" He said in a fast voice as he grabbed her hand.
"Come on let's go!" He dragged Retz away before she could even say she didn't want to go.
"Let's meet up back at the ice cream stand!" Gon yelled as he was running away dragging Rets with him.
"Okay!" I yelled at Gon trying to hide my excitement. I turned to Y/N and smiled.
"Guess it's just you and me. " I said trying to make conversation.
"Yeah... " she turned away acwardly.
".... How about we... Go on a ride together.... Then after wards get some food? " I asked.
"... Okay" she replied not looking at me. At this point it felt like she didnt want even wanna be around me. Wait... Does she not like me anymore... But I was so sure she did.... Maybe she likes someone else... I started to feel really worried... I didn't want Y/N to like someone else she belongs to me... She's mine I'm not sharing.... I just need to remind her that she belongs to me.... But how do I do that? I don't wanna make her uncomfortable... Maybe I'll just try something and see how she reacts.

I smile at her as I grab her hand leading her to the slide that I wanted. I made sure to watch her reaction... She's blushing!.... I think or maybe she's just sunburnt.... She's looks happy to me.... Does she not like when I hold her hand? Maybe I should go a bit further?...

I slowly interlock our fingers making sure I hold her hand tightly. I then watch for a reaction..... I can't tell if she's blushing or not... It's also hard to tell when I can't look directly at her I can only look from my purifeial vision. Wait!... Why is she looking away!? Is she looking at some other guy!? Does she not wanna look at me!?.... I started to feel really jealous, and kinda sad that she looked away from me... I want Y/N to like being around me and not just look away... Maybe I should just drop it... I know Y/N likes me... I mean who wouldn't? Of course she likes me, I mean all the other girls in school do, but what is Y/N is different?....What if I'm not her type?

All of these questions started to flow into my head and I couldn't get them out. It started to make me angry. Well if Y/N doesn't like me then I'll make her like me, I'll make her love me. And she'll be happy, and I'll be happy. And everything will be okay... Right?

We eventually made it to the ride I wanted and we both stopped in front of it. I'll worrie about this later. I thought as we both grabbed a tube and went up the slide.

Yandere Killua X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now