The stalking

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Killua's POV:
I waited at her house for an hour until I say a car coming into the neighborhood. I could tell it was her mom and hid before she saw me. I didn't want her to think I had been waiting. Once she pulled into the driveway I could see y/n wasn't in the car with her. Her mom got out of the car and went inside. I waited about five minutes before knocking on the door.
"Yes? Oh it's you again." She said as she opened the door.
"Yeah. I was just wondering if y/n was here?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, she's staying at a relatives." She said.
"Do you know why?" I asked.
"I think she really just wanted to get away for a while." She said.
"Do you think you could tell me the address, I wanna see her." I said, hoping she would.
"....I'm sorry, I would have to call her first and ask." She said grabbing her phone from her pocket. Shit, I'm screwed. I tried to come up with an excuse as fast as I could.
"It's just we we're, meet up, and she texted me the address but I uhhh....lost my phone and don't remember what it was." I said, sweat dripping down my forehead.
"Oh, you should've just started with that." She said smiling.

Y/n's POV:
It's night and you're laying in your bed, trying to sleep. What if he finds me? You thought. What if he kidnaps me again? All these scenarios are popping into your head, and you decide to get up and grab a snack from the kitchen. You walk into the kitchen and see something out of the corner of your eye. You immediately turn to look at it....but nothings there. Maybe I'm just paranoid, I mean it is dark. I'm probably just seeing things. You thought, grabbing some fruit and sitting down at the island. You ate your fruit looking around making sure no one is in the kitchen with you. You knew you were mostly safe, but were still scared. You just couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching you, you felt so paranoid.

     You stood up and turned around, staring behind you, trying to see something. You turned on the kitchen light...nothing. I'm going crazy. You thought, walking over to the window. You looked outside for a second before closing the blinds and making sure it was locked. You did this with all the windows before you finished your fruit.

     You walked back into your room and locked the door, along with the window. You shut the blinds and curtains. You knew this wouldn't stop him, but I mean, it helped at least. You turned off the light and crawled into bed, soon falling asleep.

     Killua's POV:
I watched her from the kitchen as she ate some fruit. Luckily her mom gave me the address. I knew she could tell someone was watching her, by the way she was acting. She wouldn't stop looking around, luckily she couldn't see me in the dark. I adored her from afar, like the way I used to. Why did she leave me, things were going so good. Well if she decides she doesn't love me anymore then I guess I'll have to make her, but not yet. Suddenly she stood up and walked over to the light switch so I decided to hide. I didn't want her to find me so soon. I wanted to take my time stalking her. I hid somewhere she couldn't see me but I could see her. I then watched her lock all the windows and shut the blinds like some crazy old woman. She then went back into her room. She locked the door and I could hear her shutting all the blinds. I stayed in the living room, I'll just have to wait a few hours before she falls asleep.

     I waited two hours before picking the lock to her door.being trained your whole life really pays off in situations like this. I entered her room and she was sleeping peacefully on her bed. I starred at her as she slept, she was just so beautiful. I stepped closer, kneeled on the floor, and sharpened my nails. I then cut a small piece of her hair off to keep. It smelled just like her. Since I won't be able to smell her every day, I guess this will do for now.

     I spent the rest of the night watching her until I had to leave. I didn't want her to find me, or know I knew where she was staying.

     Y/n's POV:
You woke up around 10:00 and got up to get some breakfast. Your Aunt was in the kitchen making pancakes and you sat at the island behind her.
"Finally awake I see." She said, turning to look at you.
"Yeah, I guess I was just really tired." You said, not wanting to tell her you stayed up till 4:00 paranoid and scared.
"Well the yearly fair I going on today and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" She asked turning off the stove.
"Maybe. Where and when is it happening?" You asked, not wanting to run into killua.
"It's at the park close to where your mom's grandma used to live. And it goes on from 12:00 to 10:00." She said. You thought for a moment. Good, that's farther away from my house.
"Alright, I'll go." You said as your Aunt placed your pancakes in front of you and sat down next to you to eat.
"These look great, thanks" you said as you started to eat.
"You're very welcome. We can leave around 11:30 to get there early. Alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, that sounds great." you said smiling.

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