Prologue: -NEW GAME START-

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Video Games... the one thing that brings everyone joy and entertainment from the TV screen playing the Nintendo consoles, PlayStation Consoles, Xbox console and many other different types of consoles.

But there is one boy that absolutely love Video Games when he first see's it around the arcade seeing so many different like games. With the likes of Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Mortal Kombat and many other amazing games.

But sadly Video Games was the only thing the boy has. He doesn't have any friends and his family was the absolute worst parents making him do thing for them. And when they get mad or frustrated they used the boy like a stress punching bag. So not much of a great start for the boy.

But when he was alone with no one around he can hear a gentle voice from his head that reveals to be a female voice. That she calls herself your guardian angel. And that was the very first friend that the boy has ever have.

And then... something happened.

-Now at the boy's room-

We then see the boy playing his Nintendo DS with the game called Mario Kart DS. It was calming him down from when he got home from his school that everyone called him names and bullied him. But that's not it when he got home he see's his family all drunk and near them was the house and Electric bill. So he knows why they haven't picked him up from school but the boy know this will happen so he gotten his room and then here we are now. Seeing him playing in his DS.

Boy: *Sigh* Great... I'm bored... I wander what should I do next after I'm finished this race?

And when he was thinking he see's a drawing of two people on it that reveals Himself and the other with six white wings with a halo on her above her head. And then see a text under them saying the words "My first ever Friend" the boy smiled when he remembered the good times talking with his guardian angel about the things he likes and gets to know more about his angel as well that she reveals her name is Em.

Boy: I wonder how Em is doing? I bet is very cool up there with a lot of nice people... I bet is better with the people that I know around here.

And then when he said that he heard some noise coming from the living room that he heard his 'Parents' talking.

M/N: Do you think this will help get money by giving this devil our ungrateful child?

F/N: I'm sure of it. My friend said it works with this ritual. Now we just need to get our son down here.

M/N: Ugh... I'll go get him. I bet he's already in his room.

And that the boy was shocked that they will give the demon his soul for money and that he started to look around his room And then he spotted something near his bed that is... a Wii remote with a strap on it. So with a quick movement he grabs the remote and hides behind the door.

And that the door opens to reveal M/N looking for his Son and when she's fully seen trying to find the boy around his room.

M/N: Oh Son! Can you come with me. There is something that me and your Father want to show you~

And that we see the boy's eye shine of dark red and the other shine bright yellow, he jumps and swings his remote and that reveals that the boy breaks his abused Mother skull with a Nintendo Wii Remote.

M/N - Dead!!!

We then see the boy looking at the mother and then we see a name title that reveals who this boy is. And that is...


Y/N: That's for making my life a living hell.

And that he saw a glow coming from the living room so he leaves his room and then he saw down stairs to see his 'Father' getting the last candle for this red star like shaped circle.

The Gaming Overlord (Hazbin Hotel X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now