Chapter 1: The Born of the Gaming Demon

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~Let the show begin~

Location - Unknown

???: Wake up... wake up...

The Boy: Huh? He-hello?

The boy that reveals to be Y/N getting up from the floor that was... sand? He looks around and See's a very pretty view of the sea.

Y/N: Woah... this is so... pretty...

???: I'm glad you like the view child~

Y/N: Huh!

Y/N then quickly turned around looking of who said that.

Y/N: Who's there? Show yourself!

???: Oh child... you will soon see who I am... but it won't be today.

Y/N Then noticed something inside him feeling something wired he turned around to see a woman in a beach chair looking at the ocean view. And that the woman look at the boy with her eyes shine red making everything blinded by red leaving the young boy screaming.


Location - Bedroom?

Y/N: (shots up straight) *Gasp* ah... ah... what the hell was that? And more importantly.

We then see the young boy looking around what looks like a red bedroom with some posh looking stuff around the room.

Y/N: Where am I, Last thing I remember was killing my Mother and Father until... (realised) No... did that Demon take me to hell!? B-but I don't deserve this I never had done anything bad... except killing two people... but they're bad awful people so that's hopefully help explain why I did that... right?

And that a door slowly opens scaring the boy that he hides under the covers of the red bed. And after he was hiding we see a red little butler demon holding some clothes that might be for Y/N.

Butler demon: Hmm? Funny I thought Master Lucifer says that this young boy will be in this room.

Y/N (Thoughts): What the hell!? Dose he mean THE Lucifer AKA Satan himself?! Oh God what will I do...

And then the bed sheets was removed on Y/N that made him jump from suprise.


Butler Demon: Eat you? Oh nonsense young child. I'm just here to see you if you're awake. And it seem you are.

He then place the clothes on the bed near the boy for Y/N to change.

Butler Demon: Here are your clothes. We don't want you still be wearing those old dirty clothes don't we?

Y/N: O-oh umm... no?

Butler Demon: Good. Well I'll leave you alone to get changed and after that I'll bring you to master Lucifer.

Y/N: Okay?

Y/N (Thoughts): What's going on!?

And that the old demon leaves the room being the boy alone with some new clothes near him.

Y/N: *Sigh*... Well I guess I'll get all ready to meet the big man around this sh-- hole.

And that he checked the clothes but the shocking thing is they definitely look good clothes that definitely better then his old ones. And that he started to get changed into them.

(The T-shirt)

(The T-shirt)

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