Chapter 8: The Radio Talk / Cannibal Town

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Hello everybody, I know it's been a while now since chapter seven of the fight between Y/N and Alastor and after that with the news of me going to work on the Murder Drones story.

But now... here I am, finally getting into this book and I'm suprised that everyone really likes this book with this around being 80K People reading it out and that makes me happy that everyone is giving this book a read and that really suprised me because and let's be honest I not that great with making some stories and I'm really suprised that you guys liked this work of mine and that really gotten me motivated on doing more the hardest I can do to make more for more book content and more.

Once again thank you all for reading this book and hope you check out my other work that will really support me on doing this and many more.

Anyway... let get back to Hell with Y/N going to Cannibal Town to meet and chat with the Radio Demon.

What could possibly go wrong?


???: That's right young man. Just concentrate and lift your hand up.

We open up with by seeing the sun and then get to see the beach by seeing Y/N training, by using his secret powers that was within him... Well beside his video game like powers that are broken like Over powered but anyway.

We see the mysterious blonde women seating on her summer chair helping Y/N, to control and master his secret powers of good and the wicked within the young player. And that we see her lifted her hand to now let Y/N use the powers of good.

???: Now. . . . . LET GO!

Y/N GAH!!! (We see his hand fire some yellow like light energy blast that went through the service sea travelling super fast) Woah... so that was the power of good.

???: Well done Y/N. Very well done.

Y/N: Uh... thanks ma'am? So remind me dose this power of good do anything or is it just go against negative like beings?

???: Oh, that really is good against that type of living thing that has full of negativity inside them that will never turn good.

Y/N: I see... so about the power of the wicked?

???: NO!

Y/N: U-Uh?

???: I mean... sorry, you should wait for me to let you use it... it definitely not save to use and will properly bring something within you that isn't very good.

Y/N: O-Okay... then I'll get to that when I'm ready. Is that okay?

???: Yeah... that's good with me... I believe it's time to wake up. I'll see you later then.~

Y/N: Yeah... see yeah later.

And that everything turns into a bright light that Y/N was prepared that he closes his eye and then the brightness covers him turning it later into...

Now at the real realm (Hell)

We now see the young boy slowly waking up and then he slowly stands up and stretch his body with some bones making some cracking noise.

And when that was done he then see a red coloured note near his bed on the table and that he picks it up and started to open it and then he see who it's from... it's from Alastor.

Note: Hello there dear boy!
I almost forgot to warn you about something important for our meeting chat. You need to have some very classy or smart clothes in Cannibal Town. Just a heads up because you don't have those then... let's just say you be the main dish for their hunger...
Well anyway talk to you later. Ta-Ta dear boy.~

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