Chapter 5: Skull Direct / Demons meets Video Games

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We start this chapter seeing a building that was called "The *Beep* Store" amd that we see two demons inside and one was reading a 18+ magazine and the other was placing some items to there areas.

Demon 1: ...So...

Demon 2: Yeah?...

Demon 1: do you think something strange is about to happen?

Demon 2: What'd you mean?

Demon 1: Well... it's just a feeling I'm getting I get when something bad happens.

Demon 2: ...Dude... I told you we've got a bathroom so go do one.

Demon 1: No that's not what I mean!

Demon 2: Then what is it then?

Demon 1: Well it's something big--

Demon 2: Oh...My...God... I get it, you have an big D--k!

Demon 1:... okay ignore that. No I mean like some big thing is about to happen.

Demon 2: What like some random spaceship flys over us and shots a laser amd destroy our shop?

Demon 1: Yeah?...


Demons: Hahahahhahahaha! Like thats gonna happen--

*Rumble* *Shaking*


The Demons were falling everywhere because of this unknown Shaking and then something brights has landed in the middle of the room.

Demon 1: that a light?

Demon 2: (He walks close to it and See's that it was.) Hey I believe it i--

And then a huge laser came I'm and blasted the two Demons making then turned to dust including there shop.

We then see the laser was from Y/N's Ship and we see Y/N seating on his chair looking for what design that will be perfect for his gaming company.

Y/N: Hmmm... this is tough, I have no clue what to choose?

And then we see Captain Waddle Dee open the door to see his master.

C. Waddle Dee: Sir! We found a perfect spot for our own base of operation. Are you ready?

Y/N: Just one second my friend. I just need to find the right building design for my own company. It must be perfect.

And when he checks more he then bumps into something incredible... and that he grew a smirk and his eyes glow with glee.

Y/N: And I have found it~ hehehehe!

And that he pressed the button and that he stands up and walks towards the hanger and then he lifted his hands up.

Y/N: Game On... CREATE!!!

With those words everywhere started to glow and then some pixels started to morph into some metal looking skeletons and that is Y/N's own design that are...

With those words everywhere started to glow and then some pixels started to morph into some metal looking skeletons and that is Y/N's own design that are

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The Gaming Overlord (Hazbin Hotel X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now