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Charlie thought today would be a good idea for everyone to do a little 'show and tell' and she regretted that choice when it got to Angel's turn, who chose to show a 'film' he stared in.

Mostly everyone sat in the lobby, watching the TV in horror and discust.

"You know, this performance, won me a sex award." Angel said proudly.

"It's um...very honest..." Charlie attempted to be nice but turned round to avoid sight of the screen looking like she was about to throw up.

"Okay enough of that." Vaggie said covering her girlfriends eyes, "Angel what fuck?"

"What? You said it was show and tell day, I'm showing you my best film and I'm telling you that it scored me a win over that bitch Tiffany tit fucker." Angel ranted.

"You know, not a very convincing integration scene." Husk spoke up from behind the bar where he was cleaning a glass.

Angel looked over the couch and scoffed, "alright dickhead, what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fucking face?" The spider asked.

"You really gonna sit there and act like theses scripts ain't hot garbage?" Husk asked sarcastically.

Angel gasped offended, "fuck you. This is classy art!" He defended.

Husk walked around the bar to stand next to Angel who was on the couch, "that's bullshit." He said, "you get drunk and bitch about it all the time, everyone likes to bitch to the bartender, I know everything about you and theses motherfuckers at this point." The cat stated.

"That one." Husk pointed at Sir Pentious, "that one, is a insecure bafoon who's lonely ass watches you when you sleep." Pentious smiled awkwardly.

He then pointed to Charlie, "princess, has a bleeding heart and wants to solve everyone else's problems except her own." Charlie trying to deny it but it was clearly bullshit.

He then moved on to Vaggie, "this one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself." Vaggie groaned in response.

Husk then pointed to Eleanor, "that one, fears commitment and believes no one could ever love her, so she hurts those she cares about before they hurt her first." Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"Fucking christ...." Eleanor muttered slumping in her seat.

"And Niffty," Husk began, "you don't even want to know what her deal is." The cat finnished and took a gulp of the alcohol bottle in his hand.

Angel burst out laughing, "you weren't kidding!" He continued to laugh, "wow! Kittens got claws, meow~" He attempted to change the subject by flirting with Husk but failed.

"And you!" Husk said pointing and stepping away from Angel, "don't get me started, I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are." The cat finnished.

Angel laughed, "me! Fake! Wow...i had no idea," he said sarcastically and stood up from his seat, walking over to Husk, "guess that's why I'm an actor dumbass, and-" the sound of his phone ringing cut him off, "hold that thought." He said and walked away to answer the call.

Angel sounded off while talking to who ever it was on the other line, he ended the call and announced, " like Val needs me for a um...emergency shoot." And began to walk to the door.

"Uh-huh sure." Husk said sarcastically taking another gulp of his drink.

Angel turned around, "you know what, fuck you." The spider said and walked back to Husk, "I don't give a shit of what some drunk ass bartender thinks of me, so why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from porn critic." Angel turned to walk away again flipping Husk off.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 // Alastor x FEM OC! // HAZBIN HOTEL FANFIC!!Where stories live. Discover now