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The meeting with heaven didn't go as well as everyone hoped, the Angel's didn't listen to Charlie and it was revealed that Vaggie was an ex exterminator abandoned by heaven, I mean, her appearance did sort of make it a bit obvious but it was anyone's last guess.

To no suprise, everyone sat around the lobby in awkward silence.

"So, like, where are your wings?" Niffty pearked up, asking Vaggie.

"Niffty I don't have-"

Angel chimed in, "did you ever think maybe she's sensitive about her lack of wings? Just like her lack of tits?" The spider said sarcastically, Vaggie gave him a look as if to say 'shut the fuck up'.

"Oh yeah, where are your tits?" The tiny cyclops asked as she pulled the collar of Vaggie's top and looked down it.

The one eyed demon pushed Niffty away and sighed, "any other questions?" She asked annoyed.

"I got one." Eleanor spoke up from her seat next to Angel, "how come every time Charlie talks to heaven we, get in deeper and deeper shit?" She asked.

"It's not her fault," Vaggie answered, "Angel's are just..."

"...Liars?" Eleanor intrupted.

"Difficult." Vaggie finished, "but Charlie's trying her best..."

Husk stood up from his seat, "yeah well, her best is turning out real well so far." He said sarcastically and walked away.

"And where is Miss 'fearless leader' anyway?" Angel asked, "isn't it about time for another doomed to fail plan?"

"She's upstairs," Vaggie replied, "coming up with something I'm our room...alone..."

After hearing this Alastor hummed and disappeared into his shadow.

Eleanor rolled her eyes, "this is all bullshit." She hissed, "every plan Charlie has had has failed." The pink skined demon stood from her seat, pushing her glasses up as they fell slightly off her noise, "look around you, if anything Charlie did worked we wouldn't still be here!" She exclaimed.

Vaggie looked at her, this was all messed up, "Well, what do you suppose we do? Every since you moved in here, still having a title as an Overlord, you have never once tried to help!" Vaggie walked towards Eleanor angrily, "not once have you been around for Charlie or any of us! Not once have you actually tried to be better!" She exclaimed, pointing her finger at Eleanor.

She sighed softly, "my soul doesn't belong to me anymore..." she admitted and the hole room went quite, "why do you think I'm as famous as I am? I...I wanted...I want to''s complicated..." she said, her voice growing lower and lower, "I'm lucky to even keep my power let alone name as Overlord."

Vaggie began to feel bad, "El...why...why did you say anything before?" The white haired demon asked.

"I didn't want to bother anyone with it." Eleanor shrugged, she looked over at Husk remembering what happened with Husk and her during Lucifer's visit it, she knew it was Alastor, that's what made the knot in here stomach, she didn't want to believe her thoughts, that he would do something horrible, especially after the way he treats her.

She turned back to Vaggie, "I think...I think Alastor-" her words were cut off by a sudden green glow that surrounded the roof and ceiling of the hotel. Fuck.

"No, no!" Vaggie exclaimed and immediately turned and ran up the stairs.

Eleanor followed after her, that fucking prick, surely...he wouldn't...right? But, Oh, how she missed judged him, Vaggie, with her spear in hand, burst open the door to her and Charlie's room with Eleanor at her sight and stopped to see Charlie and Alastor, a deal was made.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 // Alastor x FEM OC! // HAZBIN HOTEL FANFIC!!Where stories live. Discover now