CHAPTER NINE, PART TWO: The Show Must Go On/Final.

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Extermination day was here, and everyone stood outside the hotel, ready to put the plan into motion

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Extermination day was here, and everyone stood outside the hotel, ready to put the plan into motion.

A golden portal opened in the sky and everyone awaited the Angel's arrival.

"Here they come." Vaggie said, Get ready everyone! We fight together!"

Everyone stood ready to kick ass, hoping they would get to see tomorrow, Everyone prepares themselves with weapons in hand, Eleanor's vine like tentacles extended out off her back.

"Now! For your souls!" Vaggie exclaimed as the exorcists all flew down into hell, blood thirsty.

"Let's fuck them up!" Charlie yelled at the top of her lungs and everyone charged.

Alastor, who was on the roof of the hotel watched as the carriage came down from the red sky, "let the slaughter begin." He said and waved his cane while laughing sadisticly, a black dome with green symbols surrounding the hotel protectively, Angel's crashed into it like birds on a glass window.

"They appear to have some kind of sheeled, sir!"

"Oh really? I didn't see this giant fucking sheeld in front of me, you dumb bitch! No shit!"

Suddenly black tentacles extended out of the force field grabing the exorcists weapons and slaughtering them with it.

"That's how they can kill us?! With our own weapons?!" Fucking weak dude."

Down on the ground, Angel and Cherry was blowing up and shooting every exorcist in sight, Sir Pentious shot a bunch of cannon, Eleanor was using her tentacles to stab and strangle them, Husk was fighting them off with his playing cards and Niffty was running around like a lunatic stabbing already dead Angel's.

Suddenly a golden glow flashed and Alastor sheeld broke, An Angel flew down on to the roof, coming face to face with the radio demon.

"Adam!" Alastor greeted, "first man, next to die." He grinned sadisticly.

"Um, who the fuck are you?" Adam asked.

"Alastor!" The deer introduced himself, "pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure! I'm about to end your fucking life." He said as he hit the ground with his cane causing black tentacles with a green glow to emerge from the ground around him.

"Nice voice." Adam replied, "Don't you know jazz is for pussies?!" He said as he summoned a golden guitar to use as a sword and charged for Alastor cutting through the black tentacles that attempted to stop him.

Adam raised his weapon in the air, "Ah. Ah. Ah~" Alastor said in a sing-song voice and dogged with ease as Adam hit his guitar into the ground, missing Alastor.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 // Alastor x FEM OC! // HAZBIN HOTEL FANFIC!!Where stories live. Discover now