CHAPTER FIVE, PART TWO: Your Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.

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Alastor had taken her to a small park, which was a suprise to her, and most likely any demon really.

He walked in front and Eleanor followed behind and was suprised when he stopped in front of a rose bush.

"I would offer you one but..." Alastor began and plucked a rose from the bush and the plant immediately died in his hand, "...they don't like me very much..." He said calmly holding the dead flower in his palm.

Eleanor placed her hand over the flower in his hand, and a purple glow surrounded their hands, she took her hand away revealing the flower was in fact, alive again, suppose that's why she's called the overlord of nature, is this what Alastor wanted to show her?

She took the plant from his hand and pinned it on the chest of his coat, she looked up and smiled softly at him, and to no suprise he did the same...but this was different...this was genuine...this was real...was It out of character for him? Yes. But he couldn't help it, everything was different, she was different.

Her smile dropped slowly as she looked around the park some more.

"Is something wrong?" The deer asked.

Eleanor shook her head, " this reminds me of some place I used to go before I died." She explained and an awkward silence grew.

It lasted a while, "what do you get from a pampered cow?" He asked, Eleanor look at him like he just slapped her, was he seriously trying to tell a joke right now?

She raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"Spoiled milk!" He answered.

It was bad, really bad, but she could help but giggle.

"Ah! There! Now your fully dressed, a frown really doesn't suit you darling." Alastor said.

"Um...what?" Eleanor asked in confusion.

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"Hey, hobo man, hey, Dapper Dan~"

"You've both got your style~"

"But dear you're never fully dressed
Without a smile~"

He began walking further and she followed.

"Your clothes may be beau brummelly!~"

"They stand out a mile~"

"But dear you're never fully dressed
Without a smile~"

"Who cares what they're wearing~"

"On main street or Seville row~"

"It's what you wear from ear to ear!~"

"And not from head to toe~"

"that matters~"

He grabbed her hand and sun her to the other side of him.

"So, Senator, so, Janitor~"

"So long for a while~"

"Remember you're never fully dressed
Without a smile~"

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And she did, she did smile, the two continued to talk as the walked back to the hotel.

The entered the lobby once again and Eleanor immediately went to the stairs to go to bed and Alastor stayed stood still.

Eleanor took one step up before turning back, "Hey Al?..."


"I accept you apologie if it wasn't already clear and um...thank you for tonight, It was surprisingly more fun then I expected."

"Your most welcome my dear" He said and gave a little bow, and she turned and walked out of his sight.



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𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 // Alastor x FEM OC! // HAZBIN HOTEL FANFIC!!Where stories live. Discover now