CHAPTER SIX, PART TWO: More Then Anything.

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"Hey boss," Husk said as he found Alastor walking behind Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer, "Can I have a word?"

Alastor snapped his head around, literally, and then his body to face Husk, "what is it?" He asked.

"You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something, that bitch is trouble, and who knows what demon she fucked with to come running to you this time." Husk warned.

"It's nothing I can't handle," Alastor replied, "Don't worry Husker," he turned and walked away, "who in there right mind would cross me?"

"I mean..." the cat began, "you've been gone a while and it's not like anybody knows why-"

"They don't need to know," Alastor replied walking back to him and petting his head like an actual cat, "and don't you worry your fuzzy head about it." The deer teased.

Husk growled and attempted to slap his hand away up failed, "you may own my soul but I ain't your fucking pet!"

Alastor chuckled, "but you areeee~ haha!" He continued to see this as a joke and turned to leave again.

"Big talk for someone who's also on a leash." Husk hissed.

Alastor stopped dead in his tracks, "Ha. What did you say?" He ask, his creepy smile stuck on his face.

A glowing green chain suddenly rapped around Husk's neck, Alastor pulled the chain dragging him down to the floor, making him lay on his stomach, "nothing!" He stuttered.

Alastor walked towards the cat rapping the chain around his cane, "if you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams, for every other disrespectful WRECH who dares to question me."

"Understood." Husk said softly and in fear, his hole body was shaking and trembling.

"Lovely." Alastor replied and the chains disappeared, the deer then turned around, "Ha! Good talk my good man, always nice to catch up!" He said before walking away.

At that moment Eleanor walked in from around the corner, seeing Husk on the floor, she immediately ran over to him and kneeled down, she put a hand on his shoulder which made him flinch but also snapped out of his trans.

"Husk?" She asked as he forced himself to stand up he ignored her and walk away, "Husk? Hey!" She followed him and grabbed his hand making him stop.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

Husk looked at her from the corner of his eye and snatched his hand out of hers, "fine." He said plainly and walked away.

She waited for a few minutes as Husk went back down stairs and then followed after, she didn't want to force him to talk to her so she just dropped it, but she couldn't shake away the bad feeling in her gut.


She entered the lobby once again, but almost fell over as something hit the hotel causing it to shake.

"Mimzy! We know your in there you lousy bitch!" A voice from outside called.

"Oh shit." Mimzy said and ducked to the floor.

Lucifer, Vaggie and Charlie entered the lobby through a golden portal Lucifer made, "What's going on?" Charlie asked.

"I mabyeeee in trouble with some loan sharks, I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from em..." Mimzy explained and the hotel shook again, the small, blonde hid behind the bar.

"And I may have stolen a car..." she continues, "and crashed it...into the loan sharks girlfriend but that bitch had it coming!"

Everyone began to scream and run as fire ball crashed through the hotel.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 // Alastor x FEM OC! // HAZBIN HOTEL FANFIC!!Where stories live. Discover now