Chapter 2. Welcome

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Here i was. Back at the beach house that held all the best memories. I loved this place with all my heart and i was so happy to be back it almost made me forget that i didn't come for two years. It felt like no time had gone by like i'd still been coming back regularly but the only difference now was i was coming on my own.

As i drove up the driveway i looked around to see everyone hugging each-other. The Conklins must have just gotten here too. It took everyone a few seconds to notice but when they did their faces were either taken over with a  huge smile or their jaw dropping. I laughed to myself for a minute but then realised. Did they not know i was coming?

I tidied up my hair and stepped out of the car. I looked up to see Susannah. One of my most favourite people ever. "Oh my goodness you came." She said while wrapping her arms around me.
"I could never say no to you." i laughed while hugging her back.

I missed this so much. Seeing everyone made it almost feel normal. I hadn't felt this way for months. I slowly pulled out of Susanna's tight grip. She held on to my shoulders and stared at me. "You're all grown up. Your gorgeous Ellie." The way Susannah spoke made me believe anything she would say.

She quickly turned around now showing me to everyone. "Guys look who came." She said proudly. I shyly tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and laughed. "Hey."

The first person to say or, do anything rather was Jeremiah. He ran from where he was standing with Belly and grabbed me. As fast as he was going i was almost tackled to the floor but i managed to steady myself. The hug i was in with Jeremiah was so nice. It felt so good to be back with my best friend.

"I can't believe you're here." he said as he tucked his head into my shoulder. "Jere as happy as i am to see you, i cant breathe." Jeremiah let go and stepped a few steps back.

I laughed at everyone's shocked expressions. They all looked like they'd seen a ghost. I walked over to Laurel who stood smiling brighter than ever. "Oh Ellie i didn't know you were coming this year," She said contently while pulling me into another hug.

If this was how everyone was greeting me i had a-lot more hugs coming my way. "Susannah's idea." i smiled. "Well i'm glad you're here." She responded.
I had a small chat with Susannah and Laurel then made my way over to Belly, Steven and Jeremiah.

Although i was thinking about a billion thoughts I had one main one on my mind. Where was Conrad?
When i reached the group it took them a minute to notice i was standing there. "Ells!" Belly screamed as she jumped on me for a hug.

Me and Belly were always really close. Like sisters even, and i loved our relationship. Especially since i was an only child. Me and Belly were like a year apart she turned 16 in august and i turned 17 in September but we were still really close.

I looked over to Steven who had a smug look on his face. "Okay Steven you just gonna stare or you gonna say hi too?" i exclaimed making belly and Jere laugh.
"Sorry i was just shocked." he responded almost immediately. I wasn't too sure at what he could be shocked about but i had to know. "Okay about what? The fact that I'm here?" i questioned him.

Steven laughed before he replied. "Nope, i'm shocked at the fact you grew."

"Wow Steven." i laughed as i ruffled my hand through his hair messing it up. I looked back over to the house taking in the fact that i was actually here. Even i was shocked. But in the corner of my eye i saw Conrad.

"Hey guys I'll be right back." i stated while running over to Conrad. Conrad was looking down at his feet when he was walking. Weirdo. "Hey Con!" i shouted as i got closer. Conrad looked up and had a shocked expression. He started walking over to me meeting me halfway. A smile grew on his face as it looked like he was starting to realise who i was.

"No way." he laughed as he stopped in front of me.

I laughed back as i looked up to the tall brunette. "Hey Connie." I Said. Conrad still looked completely shocked at the fact he was even talking to me. "Liz?" He asked almost checking to make sure it was me.
I looked down at my shoes then back up to Conrad. "Yep." I smiled.

It felt good seeing everyone again but especially Conrad. Me and him always had a super close bond. We would always tell each other everything. Well until two years ago. After the accident i stopped talking to everyone. Most of the time i had my phone off so i wouldn't have to look at the messages that were over flowing my phone. They all basically said the same thing.

'Sorry for your loss Elizabeth,' or 'Im here if you need to talk.' It just made me feel like i couldn't be independent like everyone was invading my space.
But then Conrad messaged me. He was actually the only person i answered. But it wasn't too nice of an answer.

conrad 🥳
hey liz hope ur okay.
im here to talk if u want.

But instead of me answering how i wanted to i answered how i felt. I was so angry about my mom not being here i took it out on him. The person i was closest with.

Conrad just fuck off
i dont need ur sorry ass messages
im fine
dont bother messaging me

I really felt bad for what i said to Conrad that day but i couldn't take it back. If i could i would. It wasn't that mean. But he did as i asked and didn't message me again.

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