Chapter 30. Pool

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(Bikini that Ellie change into)
Elizabeths POV

I watched as Jeremiah walked back up the beach and towards the house. I felt bad for how i got angry at him. But i want in the wrong right? What i said was how i felt. He wanted me to be honest with him. I was. He just didn't like what i had to say.

I decided to stay at the beach a little while longer. I watched the waves crash against the shore. As chaotic as it was it was calming me down. I let the last few tears drop before i stood up. I dusted the sand off me. As much as i didn't wanna go back and face everyone right now. Im tired, upset and just really wanna sit in my bed.

I looked down at the sand as i started walking. As i walked towards the beach house a pair of footsteps led the way, Jeremiahs. I walked alongside them the whole way back. I got back to the back of the house when i saw everyone outside. Jere, Steven, Belly and Taylor were all sitting in the pool. Before they could see me i wiped my eyes to make sure the last of the tears were gone. I quickly regathered myself and walked past the pool.

Although i tried to go past unnoticed Belly saw me. "Ellie. Hey. I was wondering where you went." I froze in my tracks. I didn't want to turn around. It would be easy to see i was crying. Sure i tried to wipe away the tears but my eyes always stay red and puffy after crying. Always making it evident. I turned around slowly. As i looked at them Taylor was on Stevens shoulders and Belly on Jeremiahs. They must've been playing chicken. Jeremiah was staring at me with a weary look.

He knew where i was. But i didn't feel like telling everyone that i ran out of the house and had a meltdown because i found out my dad was part the reason i felt further away from everyone. Or at least i didn't want to tell everyone while Taylor was here. Nothing against Taylor i just feel like shes never liked me and for that sake i don't need her knowing the inns and outs of my personal life.

I kept my gaze on Jere. I know that from my face he would know i didn't want him to say anything. She nodded his head as i took in a deep breath. I ran through a bunch of excuses through my head. The simplest one being i went on a walk. No other questions can really be asked. "Oh yeah i just um. I went for a walk. Whats up. Hi Taylor." I waved.

She put on a smile that was so evidently fake. Yet Belly always insists that Taylor still likes me? Yeah no. "Well i thought you could come hangout with us. Go put on a swimsuit and come in the pool with us." Belly grinned. I thought about it. I of course wanted to spend time with Belly on her birthday. But first i had to clear my head.

"Id love to Bells but i have some stuff to do upstairs. I can hang out with you guys later though. Sorry." I smiled. She nodded her head. She looked a little sad. I did feel bad. But i don't want to risk lashing out at anyone when i'm in a bad mood. They continue there game and Bells and Jere soon knock Steven and Taylor down.

They all did look like they were having fun. And maybe this would take my mind off things. Sarah took the dogs out so i would be on my own anyway. I quickly ran inside and went straight to my room. I rummaged through my drawers until i found my white bikini. I always bring my swimsuit with me because thats what I'm more likely to wear but this year Sarah managed to convince me to bring a bikini too. Which now I'm grateful for.
(Picture at the top.)

I got changed and slid on a pair of flip flops and grabbed my towel. I walked back downstairs and outside. Belly turned to me and started to smile. "You changed your mind." She said happily. "Yeah. I thought why not. My other stuff can wait." I smiled back as i place my towel on one of the deck chairs and slid off my flip flops. I sat down on the edge of the pool and dangled my legs into the water.

But just as i say down Conrad soon came walking over. With some girl? I think the one from the bonfire? "Hey guys!" She beamed as she waved to everyone. Belly turned around on Jere's shoulders and started smiling even wider. "Hey, Nicole." She exclaimed. "Hi. Happy birthday, Belly." She smiled. Wow she was pretty. Wait so this was the girl Conrad was forgetting about Belly with. And she's friends with Belly? Good going Con.

Shes so pretty though. How did Conrad pull her? Kidding. Kind of. "Are you guys playing chicken?" Nicole asked with slight judgement in her tone. Hm considering she was really nice a second ago and now shes being judgy i don't know what to think. "Um, yeah. It was, it was Taylors idea." Belly stated almost embarrassed.

What? Why the fuck is Belly embarrassed about playing chicken? Is it because of she worried about what Nicole thinks? "Hey I'm Taylor." Taylor smiled. I could tell she felt slightly awkward. I almost felt bad. "She's my best friend from home." Bells explained. "Just visiting for the weekend." Taylor added. "Oh. Thats cute." Nicole smiled.

Everyone sat awkwardly in the pool. As Nicole and Conrad stared. This really was weird. "You guys want to play a real game?" Belly asked, clearing the tension in the air. Jere, Steven and Taylor all agreed. Before Jeremiah threw Belly backwards off his shoulders. The others sat up the volleyball net so they could play in the pool and Conrad and Nicole came and sat on the side next to me.

The two were whispering to each other for a while before Conrad finally leaned back around Nicole and spoke to me. "Liz. This is Nicole. Nicole this is Liz." He said slightly annoyed. Okay moody. I smiled as i looked at the girl. "Hi it's nice to meet you." I said with a rather fake happy tone. But she didn't need to know that part. Conrad glared at me for a second. Well he knew that part for sure.

I rolled my eyes before i tried to be genuinely nice. "Ohh you're Liz?" Nicole asked with a smile. "In the flesh." I laughed. "Im so sorry about your mom." She added. "Thank you.." I said before i realised. This girl didn't know me. How did she know about my mom. And as far as i know Conrad hasn't know her long. If he told her and she has the decency to bring it up even if its to day sorry i don't like her.

She didn't know my mom. She didn't know how great of a person she was therefore cant be sorry. I glared at Conrad who had a slight look of shock. I tried to shake it off but it bothered me. Sure my mom dying wasn't a secret but it also wasn't something Conrad needs to go and tell all his friends. "Im sorry if you'll excuse me." I added before i got up from the side of the pool.

I walked over to my deck chair and wrapped my towel around me before sliding back on my flip flops. I got to the glass doors when i heard a noise. No fucking way. Taylor had just whacked the ball to when it hit Nicole in the face. "Ow." She exclaimed. Is it bad that i didn't feel bad at all? In fact i felt the opposite since i laughed. Everyone instantly turned to me including Connie and Nicole.

My face froze. "Oh my god." Taylor said wile laughing too. "Im so sorry." Although Taylor wasn't the only one laughing Belly scolded her for it. She reminded me of Laurel when she did that. So i didn't wait around for my turn. I quickly opened the doors and headed upstairs.

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