Chapter 2 : Mystery Girl

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Tom very slowly begins to come to, slowly opening his eyes and sitting up in his bed, looking around. It's still very early, the sun barely just rising and the light filtering through his curtains. Despite the morning light, Tom's eyes seem heavy still, and he rubs them to try and wake up a bit more before looking at Lily who is still in the room. He seems surprised to see her still there, a slight smile coming to his face as he realizes Lily still here holding some tea for him. Tom slowly began to drink the tea, taking small sips and letting the heat sink in as his body slowly recovered. It was a small moment, but the feeling of comfort and reassurance was a welcome sensation for him after a rough night. The silence between them as she held his hand was peaceful and the small touch of their bodies felt like a promise of comfort and safety. Tom slowly began opening his eyes once more, rubbing his eyes and letting out a small yawn. The brightness of the morning sunlight filtering in through the curtains made his head feel a bit heavy once more, but he felt much more at ease now than he had the prior night after having the tea. 'Morning' he muttered, still a little groggy and trying to wake himself up. Lily hands Tom an ice pack for his head just in case he has a headache, and he takes it and presses it gently against his head. He can feel the ice pack providing a bit of relief from his hangover and the intense heat in his head. He closes his eyes once more and takes some deep breaths, trying to recover from the night before. He seems to be doing better now that the ice pack's on his head, though he still seems quite groggy and feeling exhausted.
"'re the best friend I could ever ask for...I'm sorry you had to do that though...being here all night...must have been so boring....", Tom whispers.
"Nahh...not at all it's okay".
"Yeah......I really didn't mean to get that...", he takes in another deep breath, trying to fight the pain of the hangover again and rubs his hands over his face, still smiling. "I'm really, really sorry for ruining your night like this and for dragging you out here to stay over..."
"Seriously it's ok...."
"Really? Cause...I feel like I really embarrassed myself making a complete idiot of myself..."
Lily's face softens more, "Do you uh... remember anything from last night?"
Tom pauses for a second. He doesn't want to lie to her but he also doesn't want to share all the cringey and embarrassing stuff he did last night, "Uhm...yeah... but my memory is kind of a bit fuzzy..."
"You better be glad it's the weekend because you would've missed class", Lily joked.
Tom laughs a little then explains, "I mean I've had problems for a while, but..last night...last night was...very extreme and it was...really bad. It was probably the worst I've ever been and...I realise that. so I'm gonna do my best to get better from this....I mean I'm really going through a lot right now. All those problems, I'm not going to let them be an excuse to get so drunk all the time. I'm gonna try my best to make it better...and maybe stop drinking completely for a little bit at least. I really wanna get better from this...".
"I just want to see you happy I'll be here to support you either way"
" really are a good friend. You really don't deserve to have to deal with have no idea how grateful I am for you just being here with me...for being there for me in my darkest moments and for really caring..."
Tom smiles softly and looks into Lily eyes before...he suddenly looks away with a slight blush. It looks like he's trying to make the conversation a little more light-hearted and try to get her to laugh, "So, erm...any interesting news on your special someone...?"
Lily laughs a bit, "Gosh no !"
"So what you're basically saying is..."still single"?", he laughs quietly but then smiles gently at Lily.
"Still single...."
"Oh mean you had absolutely no guys lining up to date you after your breakup? I find that extremely hard to believe...even a guy as handsome as me would have trouble competing with how much that guy would have to deal with when in a relationship with you..."
"I push them all away anyway"
"What do you mean you push them away...?"
"Just not ready to date yet after my ex"
"Right...right, I get that. that whole breakup was really hard on you and he was awful..."
"Speaking of which if you remember anything from last night I saw you dancing really close to a mysterious girl".
Tom blushes a tiny bit at this and glares at Lily...clearly annoyed by this teasing, "Yes I'm aware of her existence...but she's of no concern to me...", he doesn't break eye contact with you for quite some time as if daring you to ask about this.
"Oh really so it was just only a one second date at the moment ?"
"For was pretty much...."
"Oh boy here it much do you love her...."
Tom laughs, "What's so funny? It's true! I'm in love like crazy....But I'm the idiot who messed it all up. Now I have to try way harder to win her back...If only I had some special talent that would make her fall in love with me again."
"Was that why you started drinking last night ?"
He sighs and nods a little bit still looking at the ceiling, "Yeah...yeah, it all came crashing down on me at once.....everything just felt terrible and the alcohol wasn't helping...She's...probably off somewhere right now with someone else...probably not thinking about me at all anymore..."
"You may never know....besides she might be at this rave tomorrow at my ex's house", Lily mutters annoyed about her ex.
Tom looks up at in shock, "Wait...what? Is your ex throwing a party tomorrow...? And she's going to be there ?
" can do it just tell her how you feel".
"Oh no, I really can't go to a party like that... What if I'm really awkward again and say something stupid? What if she is there and sees me being such an idiot...again..."
"Calm down Tom....I'll be there.... And help you talk to this mystery girl", Lily sighs and caves in feeling bad for him .
"Thank you...truly. you're such a good friend", he looks back up at Lily with a slight smile as he looks into her eyes, "I can't tell you how much I appreciate you right now..." Lily and Tom keep looking into each other's eyes, feeling a connection and understanding each other in a different way. Tom feels as if something clicks in this moment and that Lily's presence is calming and relaxing him. His eyes are still abit dazed and hazy but he can feel a warmth growing inside of him, a little spark of hope illuminating his heart as he continues to stare at Lily.

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