Chapter 9 : Show Yourself

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Feeling overwhelmed by everything that just happened, Lily went to Clara's house to talk to. Lily climbed into Clara's window as she always did to visit her friend. Clara was sitting on her bed reading a book when she noticed Lily. Clara could sense the sadness and distress coming from her friend.

"Hey, are you okay", Clara asked gently, setting her book down looking up to Lily with concern

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"Hey, are you okay", Clara asked gently, setting her book down looking up to Lily with concern.
"N-nope I'm far from okay—-I think I really hurt and lost my best friend...", Lily replied, her voice quivering and her eye's filled with tears, she was on the brink of having a panic attack.
As Lily began to breakdown, Clara immediately wrapped her arms around Lily, providing comfort, "'s okay...Tom will come around in time .....he just needs space right now...once he's had time to process his emotions, he'll finally see that you were just trying to help him"
"I couldn't—I didn't do enough and now he's suffering alone in silence"
"You did everything you could.....sometimes you just can't help someone if they don't want to be helped."
"He hasn't been this mad at me since that time I ate his red lollipops when we were kids", Lily chuckles through her tears sitting down.
Clara let out a soft laugh at Lily's comment, sitting beside her, "Well, eating his favorite red lollipops isn't a small maybe he's holding resentment over that. Clara teased Lily hoping to lighten Lily's mood.
"Oh come on ! I was like five....he's really not over that...", Lily laughs through her tears, starting to loosen up a bit.
Clara continued to smile and laugh alongside her friend, " never know when certain things can still linger in someone's mind".
"He was my other half", Lily sighed beginning to sob.
Clara gave Lily a tight hug, continuing to comfort her and provide support, "Shhh it's okay....I know things seem really bad right now.....but Tom isn't gone yet....he's just going through a rough time and needs some space to process it. But trust me if he's your best friend, then there's no way he'll abandon your friendship that easily. He'll come around in time, and I'm sure he'll realize he does need your help."
Lily continues to cry into Clara's shoulder and lean on her friend, the comfort reassurances helping to soothe her anxiety and fears.
"I just.....what if he hates me now.....", she whimpers through tears.
"I doubt it.....Tom isn't the type of person to hold grudges or hate people even if he tried.....especially when he knows the people he's hurting cares about him so much. He'll come back....."
"Tom was right about one thing I am jealous......I miss that so wrong.....everything was going so fine until that.....thing....just barged into our lives, I don't even know where this girl came from yet she's so familiar....I can't put it together....", Lily responded following Clara downstairs into the kitchen.
"I don't know....ever since I first saw her she's got just this look....ugh maybe I really am going crazy but she is off"
"Well she did change him into something I don't even recognize.....he's so mean, bitter and unhappy, she's hurting him so much", Clara sighs making them both hot chocolate.
"Hmmm I have an idea let me check if she's on Instagram...."
"Yeah Tom might have her in his following list....."
"It's weird that he is following her in the first place though...he barely knows her and she's just ughhhh"
Clara chuckles handing Lily a mug, "I know she gets under my skin too...."
"Two minds think alike...",Lily joked receiving her hot chocolate.
"Since thee end of time", Clara laughed.

As she opened the following list, Lily began to look through the people Tom followed and found the familiar looking mystery girl, "It's her

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As she opened the following list, Lily began to look through the people Tom followed and found the familiar looking mystery girl, "It's her......Sam....", Lily gasped as she found the girl's profile.
"Huh funny she kinda looks like—-"
"—-Heather !?!?!"
"What huh ?!? I was only joking now....."
"Sam is Heather's sister !"
"Crazy drive by your house and send death threats Tom's old girlfriend Heather ?! Yikes......Im getting war flashbacks....", Clara sighed.
"Yep....I bet he has no idea about Sam being related to day Heather and her family moved to a different school after she got expelled for attempting harm on Tom she was always an intense stalker who threatened him, and anyone else close to him or if he moved on.....Tom never spoke of what happened that day but it was so traumatic and the teacher caught her in the act just in time......", Lily explained with horror in her voice, remembering all the memories of Heather.
"I didn't know that....I just remember her disappearing all of a sudden that's insane....but why now ? And why her sister instead of herself ?"
"She's planning something.....we need to tell Tom of this before it's too late.....", Lily said with a sense of urgency and need.
"Tom's our friend we tell him the truth about everything whether he likes it or not", Clara replied firmly.
"Let's go get our friend back", Lily smiled.
"You took the words right out of my mouth", Clara happily replied back.

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