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Summary: As a mainly firebender, Scarlett can create and control fire. This is one of the reasons why Gandalf asked her for help. She is one of the few benders who live in Middle-earth and they are very well hidden. Her parents taught her how to cope so she doesn't feel the cold as bpcno as others. She can withstand very low temperatures.


⋆ Scarlett POV ⋆

I released some fire into my hands to warm myself. My parents taught me how to do this when I took after my dad's firebender skills when I was 5. 

When I was 7 I found I could produce lightning and when I was 10 we discovered I could bend earth and the next two years lava and metal came along. 

I take my talent for bend earth from my mother and they were happy that I could bend two of the four elements with their sides. 

My people lived mostly in isolation from the other inhabitants of Middle Earth, our city had four sections: fire, water, air and earth. We lived in harmony until we were betrayed and our city was invaded and practically leveled to the ground. 

I was only 18 years old when it happened and I was one of the few people who came out of the massacre alive. Benders have a different life course than others, we age to our 20/25 before our aging stops 200 to 250 years before we age again. 

Due to the fact that I am mainly a firebender Gandalf sought me out to join the company of Thorin the Oak Shield. 

I can produce my flames at the temperature I want and control other flames. I can calmly deal with Smaug if he is still alive in Erebor. 

I rode beside Bilbo who was shaking a bit from the cold, took off my jacket and put it on him. I knew that thanks to my parents' teachings I would not be cold, I was not afraid that I would get sick 

'' I am not cold Bilbo. I was riding in a worse temperature than I am now in just a T-shirt

 '' I said when he wanted to say something. I saw Gandalf raise an eyebrow at me

 '' What? '' I asked him before letting the fire out of my mouth again. 

He just shook his head and looked forward. When it started to get dark Thorin decided to make a stop for the night. We managed to find a clearing that wasn't very large before we laid out our sleeping bags, I used the fire deli to heat my sleeping bag and sat on it. 

However, I decided to make a little detour and quickly disappeared between the trees. When I sensed I noticed a large deer that was standing not far from me. I quickly used the ground to hold it down, knocking it over and quickly breaking its neck. 

When I came back I noticed Kili and Fili they were surprised when I gave them this deer. Before I had time to sit down Bilbo approached me, I smiled at Bilbo as he handed me my jacket before my attention was caught by Bonbur and Bofur. I noticed that they were having trouble making a fire because all the wood was damp. 

'' Scar can you help with the fire for them? '' asked Gandalf 

'' Sure '' I replied as I approached the toiling dwarves 

" Let me " I said before letting the hot air out onto the wood before checking it. When I was sure it was dry enough I started the fire 

" How did you do that? " asked Thorin 

" Didn't you tell them? " I asked  surprised 

" It must have slipped my mind. Scar here is an elemental bender. Her main element is fire which she can produce as well as control. She can o a stop Smaug from releasing his fire as well as use his own fire against him. Scarlett can also bend earth, lightning, metal and lava. She is one of the few benders who live in Middle-earth " said Gandalf 

'' Is this why you are not cold? '' asked Balin 

'' Firebenders can easily warm themselves thanks to a technique my parents taught me. Both of them like me had fire but my mother bend also air. I can keep my body at a warm temperature e without the help of any warm clothes '' I replied. 

When they head before asking me a few more questions when their curiosity was satisfied they started talking about something else. 

Over the following weeks I noticed that if either of them is cold they stick closer to me to keep warm. 

I don't mind if they use me as a heater because I know how cold can affect people. I just hope that I can defeat Smaug without damaging Erebor more. 

It seems to me that it would be best to scare him off the mountain before I deal with him. I will start planning how to do that when we are closer to it. I don't need to worry about that now.

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