My little Star.

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Lol idk what to do anymore so I decided to write this lovely story.

Please send help.

A bit of Optimus prime x Bumblebee
Megatron actually caring for Starscream.
Possibly some Megatron x Starscream?
Some cringe.
Ok that's it.

Megatron never loved Starscream, but Starscream always knew that his Lord Megatron was more interested in what Soundwave was up too.
Starscream then start to act weird. He stopped eating and he refused to eat whenever someone forced him to.
It was until Megatron started to notice that Starscream was acting weird.

Everyone was worried and they did everything to make him the happy and mostly annoying seeker again, but nothing worked.

Then one day Megatron decided to ask his own enemy: Optimus Prime.

They spoke to each other and Megatron then found out how to make Starscream feel better.

Optimus: Yk Bumblebee was like that once.
Megatron: Wdym?
Optimus: Well you see:

Random flashback.

Optimus: Bumblebee? What's wrong?
Bee: Nothing.
Optimus: Just tell me. I won't be mad.
Bee: It just.....You always ignore me and you forget that I'm there. Also I don't know how to say this but..I like you! Like I want to hold your hand, walk with you and maybe watch the sunset sometime, but... you never listen. Your always busy! So I hope you understand.

Optimus put a hand on Bumblebee's face and kissed his forehead.

Optimus: Yea I understand. I understand everything.

End of Flashback.

Optimus: And that's how we got together.
Megatron: So that's the secret.
Optimus: Yep. Just tell him you understand him, and that you care about him.


Megatron knocked on Starscream's door.
Starscream opened the door and let him in.

Starscream then went back to sit on his bed and put his knees to his chest.
Megatron sat next to him.

Megatron: Starscream. What's the matter?
Star: I.....I........

Starscream started to tear up and he cried into his knees.
Megatron put a hand on his back.
Starscream looked at him and got on his lap and cried into his shoulder.
Megatron patted Starscream's back.
Starscream then began to cling on too him and continued to cry.

Megatron: There is no need to cry. Everything is alright.


Everything was going good.
Starscream started to eat some Energon, but needed to be supervised to make sure he actually ate it.

Ok lol the end.

Sorry for this not being good.
I'm running out of ideas.
Please can someone request?
Ok later haters. 💚🖤

Lol I was here 2 months later 😈😈😈

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