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Lol just another Mini story, but with a twist. 👍👍👍👍👍

This story contains kissing scenes. Optimus and Bumblebee doing an inappropriate thing.

Ok that's it.

Optimus: Where did you find it Bumblebee?
Bee: I found it when I was looking for a clue on what the Decepticons were doing, but when I went to go look for something I found it on the ground.
Optimus: Hmm I see. Thank you for bringing it to me.
Bumblebee slightly blushes which catches the attention of Optimus.
Optimus: Bumblebee. Are you alright?
Bee: Y-Yea I'm good...
Optimus looks down at him which causes Bumblebee to blush more.
Then Optimus picks up Bumblebee and Bumblebee wraps his arms around Optimus's neck.
Optimus removes his mask, and leans closer to Bumblebee's lips and they both kiss each other. Bumblebee never thought of them being together.
They broke apart from the kiss and Bumblebee was more embarrassed than ever. Optimus just chuckled and put him down. Bumblebee started to get sleepy and Optimus walked him to Bumblebee's room. Bumblebee hoped that nobody saw them

The next day:

Bumblebee woke up and started to rub his eyes and he got out of bed and walked to where the others were.

With the rest of the Autobots:

Side: You got any Sevens?
Sun: Go fish!

Ironhide: Hey! Watch where you put that!
Hound: Sorry!

Spike: Hey have you guys seen Bumblebee? He told me he was going to take me to the library today.

Hound: I didn't see him this morning.
Side & Sun: Me either.
Ironhide: Wasn't he with Optimus?

Prowl: Hey! Get this thing off of me!
Bee: Here. Let me help you
Bee: C'mon let go of Prowl Jazz!
Jazz: NO! Why won't you listen to music with me!
Prowl: Get off of me Jazz!
Bumblebee tries to take Jazz off of Prowl's leg. He managed to get him off after 3 minutes.
Prowl: Keep Jazz away from me.
Bee: Ok I will. *Dragging Jazz by his legs*
Jazz: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Bumblebee started to walk to where the other Autobots were. While still dragging Jazz by his legs.

Bee: Oh hey Spike.
Spike: Are still sure you want to take me to the library? It's seems like you have your hands full.
Bee: Of course. Don't worry about it.

Everyone runs out as fast as they can.

Bee: I'll just ask...Umm....Hey, Ironhide!
Ironhide: Yea?
Bee: Can you watch Jazz for a while so he doesn't grab on Prowl's leg.
Ironhide: Sure.
Bee: Thanks Ironhide. I know I can count on you.

Bumblebee gives him Jazz and thanks him again. Both Bumblebee and Spike go to the library.


Bee: Are you sure all you can read all these books by yourself?
Spike: Ofc I can.

Both of them accidentally bump into Optimus Who was very confused on why they were caring like 5 books in each arm.

Bee: Oh hey Optimus!
Optimus: Do you need help that seems like a lot of books.
Bee: Yea I could use some help.
Optimus helps Bumblebee with the books and puts the books on the table.

Bee: Sooooooo Spike which one are you going to read first?
Spike: I haven't thought about it yet but I think I'll read this one.
Bee: Are you want to read: "How the Titanic sank."
Spike: Yeah.
Bee: Okay if you say so..
Bumblebee started to walk away
Bee: Ok bye.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee+Rumble Mini-StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now