I Never Got To Say Goodbye.

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Sadly today is another sad story. 😔

⚠️🚨Warning 🚨⚠️
Optimus x Bumblebee
Starscream and Bumblebee being friends.
(I just wanted to say that is supposed to happen after Kaitlyn's past)

Also Kaitlyn being a bitch.

Ok that's it.

It all happened so fast. One moment he was fine, and the next he was on life support.

That's only half of the story. Nobody thought it would end in tragedy.

Ever since Kaitlyn confessed to Optimus and he rejected she tried to get rid of Bumblebee.

She tried to attack him, burn him alive, crush him with a big rock, drown him when nobody was looking, electrocute him with wires, frame him for stuff he didn't do, kidnap him to take him to the Decepticons, make him love someone else, poison him with drugs, and push him off the canyon.

All these things she tried to do, but they didn't work.

She could only do one thing.

Shoot him.

She waited until the moment was right.
Bumblebee was talking to Jazz until...


Kaitlyn shot him right in the heart.

All Jazz could do is scream because of what had just happened.

Everyone ran to see what happened.

Kaitlyn acted like nothing happened and started faking that she didn't do it.

Optimus ran to Bumblebee and took him to Ratchet and WheelJack, Preceptor followed him.

Ok so now you're caught up.
Ever since then Bumblebee was put on life support, but he's been slowly recovering and he breathing on his own, but WheelJack fears there's nothing they can do and they will have to take him off soon.

Meanwhile at the Decepticons base:

Starscream was minding his own business when suddenly he heard everyone arguing with someone.

Starscream looked outside to see....

Kaitlyn. That bitch was no good, she tried to kill him that one time.

Yet, she had a grin on her face, like it was no good, although something was off it was weird because he remembered that she said she was going to do something to the Autobots and make them suffer.

Then, he remembered that he hasn't heard from Bumblebee in weeks or any Autobots for that matter...

Wait.....What if she did something to Bumblebee?!

He had to find out.

So he asked her.

Star: Kaitlyn. Where have you been?

Kaitlyn: Oh you know making the Autobots suffer.

Star: what did you do exactly?

Kaitlyn: I shot the small one in his heart, it's too bad they have him on life support but they're going to take him off soon.

Star: that sounds nice, welp see ya!

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