Always The Fool...

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Hi welcome back to another story where I make things weird. So I thought maybe today I would write an this one which takes place in Transformers: Earthspark bc I'm waiting for the other episodes to come out. Lol so enjoy!!!

🚨⚠️Warning ⚠️🚨
This story might contain:
The kids comforting Bumblebee.
Optimus prime and Bumblebee being lovely dovey. ( I guess?)
Ok that's it.

It's been weeks since that battle with Mandroid (or whatever his name is)

Everyone was enjoying themselves, and Alex and Dot (help I forgot her name sorry 😔) where out for a few days which ment Bumblebee had to "babysit".

Mo: So what do you guys wanna do? We can play hide 'n seek. Tag. House.

Night: Hmmm, what's this hide 'n seek?
Mo: It's easy! All you have to is hide and uh Bumblebee will count!
Bee: What?
Tag: so he counts?
Mo: Yea and then we hide.
Bee: hold up, I am not playing this game.
Mo: you are now!
Bee: Fine. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-

Mo: quick hide!

They all hide and Bumblebee counts to 10 and then stops.

Bee: Ready or not here I come!

As everyone stayed quiet, Bumblebee started to search for them.

Bee: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bumblebee opens the doors to the barn and noticed something moving in the back.

Thrash and Twitch were hiding behind a wall of hay and they spotted a crumbled up piece of paper and Twitch uncrumbled it and it said:

Dear Diary

Why did Optimus think training these kids was a good thing?

First of all they never listen to me.
They are horrible students...

Oh what am I supposed to do?

Tell them that I don't like them?

I'm always the one doing these things.

I want to leave them and never come back and forget this ever happened.


They both just stared at eachother. Upset and confused.

Bee: Found you!

Thrash: ....

Bee: What's wrong? Did I find you guys too early?

Not even 5 seconds later:


Twitch: GET BACK HERE!!!

Thrash: Wait Twitch! I don't think he meant it!!!

Robbie: Hey guys what's going on?


Robbie: Twitch what's wrong?

Twitch: Tell him to explain this!

Twitch hands Robbie the paper and he looks confused.

Robbie: It's just a piece of paper with writing on it.

Twitch: You don't understand! He hates us and he wants to leave!

Bee: What are you talking about?

Twitch crumbles up the paper and throws it at him.

Bee: Ow!

Bumblebee then leans over to pick it up and he uncrumbled it and looked at remember that he was the one who wrote it.

Bee: Look I was angered with you guys before but I realized that I was wrong so I ripped it out of my diary and I threw at the wall I thought nobody would find it, but I guess I was wrong.

Everyone looks at him and they don't say anything.

Bee: So will you forgive me?

Thrash: I do, what about you Twitch?

Twitch: Why didn't you tell us?

Bee: I didn't want to hurt your guys feelings.

Twitch: You were always the fool weren't you?

Bee: I'm sorry I just...

Twitch: Your always the fool just like Optimus!

Night: Look he apologized, ok.

Tag: Yea, So we all just need to calm down and relax.

Mo: Hey where's Bumblebee?

Jaw: Bumblebee? Where'd you go???

Behind the Barn:

Thrash: Bumblebee?

Bee: Just leave me alone! I don't want to hurt anyone!

Thrash: You'll never hurt anyone! Twitch told me she would apologize to you.

Bee: Don't you get it! I'm always the fool!

Thrash sits down next to him and hugs him and Bumblebee completely losses it and physical sobs in his hands.

Optimus: Bumblebee?

Bee: Optimus...? What are you doing here...?

Optimus: I came to visit you and ask you how your doing, but I find you here crying and upset.

Bee: It's just....

Optimus then sits down next him and puts a hand on his.

Then everyone find them all sitting down next to Bumblebee and they decide to sit down next to him and hug him


Everyone starts to giggle because of what they see. Bumblebee had fallen asleep on Optimus' shoulder and Optimus just sat there not moving.

Mo: *Whispering* Say cheese!

Optimus shook his head and Bumblebee moved a little and put his head on Optimus' lap and curled up into a ball.

Mo then took the picture of them and they a laughed at eachother and all Optimus could do was rub Bumblebee's head.

The end 💚🖤

Lol You get no hoes. 😔

Your soul is mine.
Yes I own the photo don't steal it without my permission.
Later haters 💚🖤

How many times do I have to come back here?

Idk man.
You still want to play hid n seek?

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