When I Don't Remember You...

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Ah yes another Earthspark story where Razor is alive 🙀

Warning: Opbee (a hint), Megascream, Razor not remembering Starscream or his twin brother Blades.

Ok that's it.

It was a normal summer day, the Terrans were sleeping in except for Nightshade who was spending time with Starscream and Megatron.

Nightshade: Starscream?

Star: Hm?

Nightshade: When you were younger did, you have friends...?

Starscream chuckles and pulls them close as they watch the sun rise a little more.

Star: Of course I did. Most of them I lost to the war.

Nightshade looks at him and Megatron kisses Starscream's forehead.

Megs: Let's go get some energon.

In the dugout:

Bumblebee is sleeping on the couch with Optimus and Megatron notices and covers them.

Jawbreaker slightly opens his door and walks out sniffling.

Starscream: Jawbreaker what's the matter?

Jawbreaker: I had a nightmare that you guys...left and never came back and Mandroid killed you guys and...

Jawbreaker starts crying again and Starscream tries to comfort him and holds him.

Starscream: Jawbreaker... it's alright it was just a nightmare.

Megatron suddenly gets a call from Dorothy on his intercom.

Megs: Dorothy? What's the problem?

Megatron laughs and looks at Starscream.

Megs: I'll go pick him up.

15 minutes later Megatron comes back with Razor.

Starscream is shocked to see him.

Star: Razor?

Razor looks at him confused and dumbfounded.

Razor: Do I know you?

Starscream's spark shatters, and looks at Razor with his baby blue optics.

Star: It's me Starscream. Remember, we're friends.

Razor: Friends, we were never friends.

Star: Yes we were! Me, you, Blades and Bumblebee.

Razor: Who's Blades?

Star: Your brother dang it!

Starscream rushes his quarters and and rushes out with a picture of Himself, Bumblebee, And Razor in the middle.

Star: Look, it's us...

Razor: I don't remember taking this picture with you, with Bumblebee yes, but not you.

Megatron puts a servo on Starscream's shoulder.

A little later Razor is being introduced to the Terrans by Nightshade as Megatron and Starscream sit to the side.

Megatron has an arm around Starscream's waist and rubs his inner thigh gently.

Starscream sighs and rests his head on Megatron's shoulder and looks at how happy Razor looks like the old days.

He smiles sweetly and continues to watch as they play for the rest of the day in the sunny sky.

At night:

Starscream puts them to bed.

Starscream reads Jawbreaker a story to help him not have nightmares.

Star: Then the sun closed his eyes and feel asleep as the moon rises up and her lightly gently made him feel safer. The end.

Jawbreaker was sound asleep and Starscream tucks him in and kisses his forehead.

Star: Good night sweet dreams...

He walks out and smiles and turns off the light and gently closes the door.

In Starscream's room:

Megatron and Starscream are cuddling.

Star: Do you think Razor will get his memories back so day?

Megs: I'm sure he will.


No part 2 so don't ask 😡

Suddenly hot, I'm
Suddenly cool, I'm
Suddenly a genius, I'm
Suddenly a fool, I'm
Suddenly fact, but I feel
Stranger than fiction, I'm
But I'm suddenly back
I'm a walking contradiction!
Doesn't this have a name?
Doesn't this have a name?
Doesn't this have a name?
And isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
And isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
Isn't it
Isn't it
Isn't it love?

Words: 501 🙀🤯

Ok later haters 💚🖤

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