A Royal Wedding (2/3)

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The tension between the two is very strong, and can cause a whole another fight between the two even if nothing bad happened yet.

Optimus: Roddy, look I know it looks bad for me not telling you in person that I'm going to get married, but just so you know I'm okay with you disagreeing, or that you don't want to be my best-bot.

Hot-rod: Why would I be your best-bot if you're marrying a Prince I don't even know.

Optimus chuckles as he puts his arm around Hot-rod's shoulder.

Optimus: You don't remember Bumblebee do you?

It takes him a few seconds to remember who this Prince Bumblebee is then he suddenly remembers.

Hot-rod: Bee? You're marrying my old babysitter?

Optimus: Yeah.

Hot-rod: Bee is only the most amazing bot ever!

✨Magical flashback✨:

Hot-rod was a nosy youngling getting into things he's not supposed to.

One day Hot-rod is going through his toy chest, and Bumblebee opens the door, and he rushes over to hug him.

Present-Hot-rod: He's beautiful...

Hot-rod falls and cuts his servo and Bumblebee wraps a bandage around it and kisses his forehead.

Present-Hot-rod: He's caring...

Bumblebee is helping him make flower crowns, and puts it on Hot-rod.

Present-Hot-rod: He's kind...

Past-Hot-rod: I'm so lucky to have you as my babysitter!

Past-Bee: (playfully rolling his optics) I'm the lucky one Hot-rod.

Past-Hot-rod: You're a Prince! I'm just a regular youngling...

Past-Bee: You are anything, but a regular youngling.

Bumblebee looks at him, and smiles.

Past-Bee: Hot-rod, promise me you'll treat others with respect?

Past-Hot-rod: Cross my spark with a sword in my optic!

They laugh happily.

✨End of flashback✨

Hot-rod becomes very happy, and starts jumping for joy.

Hot-rod: You're marrying Bee! You're marrying-

Hot-rod accidentally bumps into Bumblebee.

Bumblebee looked completely different than he remembers. His horns were no longer just plain gold, they were blue at the tips then blended into red then at the base they were his golden yellow color, he now had a crown that had blue gems on the tips, and a sapphire in the middle, he no longer wears the golden heart necklace Hot-rod had got him all those years ago.

Bee: I hope I'm not interrupting anything important?

Hot-rod: Bee!

Hot-rod hugs him, but Bumblebee doesn't seem to hug back like he doesn't even know who this bot is.

Bee: What are you doing?

Hot-rod: Bee, it's me! Hot-rod!

Bumblebee rolls his optics, and pushes him off.

Bee: Uh-huh.

Hot-rod looks at him confused about why he didn't hug back, or even remember him.

Bumblebee walks over to Optimus who clearly stands way taller than him, and Optimus puts his servo on Bumblebee's shoulder despite the huge height difference.

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