3 - Trust Me, Baby

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3 - Trust Me, Baby

Michael walked into his job the next Monday morning, feeling the usual dread feeling that comes with going to work after a fun, romantic weekend.

He didn't hate his job. At least it was something he enjoyed. But it was still work at the end of the day and he'd much rather be home with his girlfriend while eating chips and watching shitty reality television.

He worked at a recording studio in LA. It wasn't a huge successful studio that recorded the hottest tracks and artists. But they did have a few somewhat known indie artists who have been slowly climbing the ladder. Since their studio wasn't that famous or prestigious, they pretty much allowed anyone with the money to reserve spots to record audio from songs, podcasts, etc.

"You've been requested in room 2." His boss said as soon as he sat down.

He looked up at her questionably, "But no one requests me?"

It wasn't that Michael was bad at his job or that people didn't like him. It just wasn't a big studio with a big reputation—like he's mentioned—and their clients usually just take whoever the boss recommends would be a good fit.

"Well now someone has." She grinned, "And they're paying some good bucks to make sure you're theirs for the day."

"A whole day session?" His eyes widened, "What are they even recording?"

"I don't know, kid. What I do know though is that once they flashed me $10,000 I'll give them whatever they want. It doesn't hurt that they're attractive as well." She winked, making Michael gag jokingly.

His boss was really nice and he got along with her well. But she was slightly older, so he thought of this joking commentary as like his mom was saying it.

"Well wish me luck then." He hummed, heading towards recording room 2.

He had no idea what he was walking into or why someone would spend so much money and would request him out of all people. Michael was good at his job and was pretty flexible, but he always had more of a taste for recording instrumentals and playing more of a composer role.

He quickly pushed the door open and was quickly surprised when he saw who was in the room. It wasn't what he was expecting...at all.

When groups would randomly book sessions he usually saw skinny teenage boys with Nirvana shirts, old guitars, and converse. What he usually did not see were three tall men dressed in all black and covered in tattoos that screamed dominance. But today that's what he was met with.

He tried to push back his confusion and slight interest, trying to remain professional.

"Hi, I'm Michael. But it sounds like you've heard of me from someone, since you requested me?"

"Not from anyone specific. Just the word on the street you're the best in the business." The man with hazel eyes said with a small grin.

"Far from it I'm afraid. Well depending on what you're here for... which is?"

"What is it you do the best here?" The blonde haired man asked in interest, sitting down on the couch in the corner of the recording studio.

"I'm more of the instrumental, composer guy. So if you're here for something else like a podcast, ad audio, or something around those realms I could find someone better."

"Trying to get rid of us, huh?" The brunette smirked, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"Of course not! I just want to make sure you get the best for the job."

"Oh trust me, baby, you are the one and only for the job."

Michael tried to not let the word 'baby' affect him, but he felt a small blush erupt up from his neck that made him clear his threat and sit down at the seat in front of the panels, "Let's get started. What is it you're looking for?"

"We were wanting more of a... demo song let's put it. We want to see what you can do from scratch."

"You want me to produce a whole song from scratch?" His eyes widened.

"If you need more of a payment we are well in the realms to provide as much as you need." The hazel eyed one said and Michael didn't miss the small smirk that etched on his face when he said this, obviously aware of the power he had.

"Oh no no! That's not what I meant. It's just when people come in here they already have something and they have a strict vision, since it's theirs. But you want me to completely make a song? And you don't have a certain plan or vision for it?"

"How about we give you a vision and you create for us? Like a collaboration." The blonde grinned from the couch.

"Okay this is sounding more do-able. What were you thinking?"

"Something seductive." The brunette said, pushing himself off the wall and slowly walking closer to where Michael sat, "Something about want, lust, and desire. Something that makes a person feel just how desperate the other is for them."

"O-Okay..." He took in a deep breathe when Calum was only a step in front of him, "So we're thinking more R&B beats and a slower, but angsty tempo?"

"Like I said it's a collaboration, baby. We give you the vision and you give us the finished product." The blonde said. 

"Do you want just instrumental or do you also want vocals?"

"Do you sing, Michael?" The hazel eyed man asked. Him saying his name made Michael realize that he didn't even know theirs yet.

"I do... What are your names by the way?"

"I'm Ashton. This is Luke and Calum."

"We want some vocals then, baby." Luke smirked.

Michael's eyes widened once again, "So you want me to completely compose, get the instrumentals, and sing on your track?"

"I'll be honest, Michael, we're not musical men in terms of we don't make music. This is truly just a fun little side quest that we thought we could try out." Ashton answered.

"Hmmm. Honestly it all makes sense now. I've never had a client like you before."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Calum winked before letting Michael get to work.


Sooo Michael met the three? What do you think?

Also don't worry the beginning of the story will be more calm and contemporary, but it will quickly start getting darker and more chaotic as we go 🤪


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