6 - She's Ours

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6 - She's Ours

"Chris. Chris. Chris." Calum hummed out as he walked around the man in slow circles. The man was crying out into the darkened room full of death and despair, "We told you that the next time you bother us with this bullshit you'd die. Did we not make that clear?"

"I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!"

A scream of pain erupted from the man's throat after Luke swiftly grabbed a small knife from the table in the corner and stabbed it through the man's hand like it was both the easiest and normalized thing in the world.

"We have two very important people here tonight. And you're in our fucking way of making them ours. So..." Ashton smirked darkly as he stood in front of the strung up Chris, "How else can we possibly get rid of you for good? Should we use a gun? Or a knife? Hmmm or maybe we should make it a little more personal for some fun... I haven't strangled someone to death recently."

"No! P-Please—"

But Chris' cries were swiftly cut off when Ashton wrapped his strong and tattooed hand around his neck and squeezed without any remorse. Chris struggled as much as he could against Ashton's grip, but he was chained up and Ashton was bigger and stronger than him. It didn't take long until his body went limp, leaving the chains to hold him up.

"Take care of the body." Calum ordered one of their men that was standing near the door.

"Yes, boss."


Warning: slight SA!

Julie was off at the bar, ordering two drinks for her and Michael. She was patiently waiting for the bartenders to make their drinks, since there were a few people there before her.

She spent the time patiently looking around the room. She felt another jolt of coldness go down her spine when the same man from earlier who gave her a deadly smirk stood to her side. He stood close to her... too close.

She tried to stay to herself and act like she didn't notice him, but of course he had to say something.

"Hi, beautiful. I haven't seen you around before... What's your name?" He asked, placing his hand uncomfortably on her shoulder.

She hesitantly looked at him and said, "Julie."

"Julie." He hummed out, stepping even closer if that was possible, "When I saw you upstairs all I thought about was bending you over that table."

Her eyes widened and not in a good way. She tried to push his hand off her, but instead he started to slowly lower his hand down her body.

"I'm not interested."

"Oh but every woman is interested. Do you not know who I am?"

"No I don't. And I said I'm not interested, so leave me alone." She said more strictly this time to make her point.

But she saw his eyes narrow in anger and desperation. He suddenly gripped onto her wrist with enough force to make her whine out in pain, especially as he started to force her away from the bar and towards the stairs.

Everything happened so fast. She felt it go by like a blur.

"Hey! Let me go, asshole!" She struggled against him, but he kept pulling her up the stairs and down the hallway she walked through just an hour earlier with Luke. Thankfully right as they turned the hallway to enter another one she saw the three men she realized she trusted in that moment.

"Luke! Ashton! Calum!" She yelled out, still pushing against the man to get away from him. The three's eyes instantly snapped onto her and she saw instant fury within their eyes.

"Let her go, Antonio." Calum warned darkly as they quickly strode to where they were.

"Oh come on. She's a fine piece of ass. Can't I have some fun?"

His hand let go of her wrist, but it instead went to wrap around her waist.

"Unhand her. Now." Ashton warned, "Or you'll regret it. She's ours."

Julie didn't know what Ashton meant by that, but she appreciated that it somehow meant something to this 'Antonio' guy. He instantly let go of her and even took a step back.

"I didn't know she was yours. I swear I didn't."

Calum gently moved Julie into his strong arms, wrapping around her to make her feel safe and protected. It worked; she leaned into him for that comfort.

"Julie?" Michael's voice was suddenly heard as he walked into the hallway they were in. He saw Julie's frightened face, the three's enraged faces, and the mystery man's worried face. It wasn't hard to put the pieces together.

He rushed over to Julie, looking up at Calum's questionably. He brought her into his arms.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"I'm fine. They saved me... Can we go home?"

"Of course. Come on."

"Take her home. We'll take care of him." Ashton said softly to Michael, but he still managed to send a deadly glare to Antonio's direction.

"Okay... Thank you."

He didn't know what they meant by they'll 'take care' of him. But all he was truly worried about was Julie and her well-being.

So he didn't let go of her the entire night. Even as he drove them home he held her hand and caressed her soft skin.

Julie was okay, honestly. It was scary, but it could have been much worse. Luke, Ashton, and Calum had saved her.

If they weren't there she didn't know what would have happened. All she knew was that she was thankful for them and she needed to thank them personally.


Love me some morally grey but protective men


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