9 - Three Devious Men

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9 - Three Devious Men

Julie had filled Michael in on everything that had happened when she met with the three for breakfast at the diner. They've both been panicking and ignoring the three's text messages and calls ever since.

This wasn't anything the two had experience with. They lived such simple lives together. They rarely even went out to public places. They rarely partied. They rarely got out of their comfort zone at home.

But there they were with three mysterious, powerful men pining after them. Michael and Julie had no idea what they were going to do.

They obviously couldn't accept their advances; Michael and Julie were a happy couple. They didn't see how accepting the three wouldn't be cheating on the other... yet.

But they also didn't want to reject them; the two have already talked about it together. They didn't want the three to leave their small lives. The three were so new, mysterious, and... nice to them. They were good friends and the two enjoyed their new company.

However neither Julie nor Michael admitted to the other how much the three really affected them. How their dark stares, subtle touches, and confident words would travel throughout their bodies.

Neither Julie nor Michael were go-getters. Neither of them liked to take charge of situations, so that's why their situation with the three new men was simply just not being handled other than them ignoring their messages.

But they didn't realize who the three men truly were and what they were capable of. Their ignorance and silence only motivated the three devious men to move in closer to their two angels.


"What the fuck? Do you see this?" Julie asked Michael in surprise as she rushed into the bedroom where Michael was getting ready to go to bed.

"What?" He asked confused.

Julie basically shoved her phone in Michael's face where he saw a new group chat with Julie, Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael. There was one text that was sent and delivered just a minute ago.

From Ashton: Both of you meet us at 12 at the same cafe we met Julie. We need to talk. And if you don't show up, angels, we will show up at your apartment.

"Is he... Is he threatening us?" Michael's eyes widened.

"I don't know." She took in a deep breathe of air.

"We have to go tomorrow."

"No." She shook her head.


"They can't just scare us into talking to them. Plus... they're bluffing. They don't even know where we live, right? You never told them?"

"No. Never."

"Okay. I think we should just stay home then. Or go out for the day, since we're both off. But we are not meeting up with them."

"If you think that's for the best, princess, then that's what we'll do."


Small chapter. Sue me 🤭 But double updateee


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