7 - My Fault

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7 - My Fault

Michael was sat in the recording studio with his song ready for the three.

A part of him was nervous, which was new to him. He was good at his job and he knew it. The three of them though were... different. He hoped they liked the song and his work, even though he knew this was all just some fun thing to do on the side since they obviously had the money to do so.

It was also the first time he's seen them since the party. Julie was doing fine, but he needed to thank them for what they did for her. He didn't want to think about what could have happened if they weren't there for her.

The door soon opened with the three being led in by Michael's boss.

"Hey, I have your song ready." He grinned, holding up a USB drive and wriggling it in the air, "Are you ready to listen to it?"

"Of course, baby." Luke hummed, sitting himself down in the couch in the back of the room.

Michael swiftly turned around in his chair and inserted the USB drive, getting it all ready for the three to listen to for the first time. But before he went to press play he turned around to face them again.

"Before we listen to it... Listen I just wanted to thank you for what you did for Julie. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if you weren't there."

Their faces softened when they saw the fear in his eyes. Ashton walked up to Michael and crouched down to be at eye level. He placed his strong hands on Michael's thighs as he spoke, "No one will ever touch her again. And no one will touch you, kitten."

"I feel so fucking bad. She says she's fine and I know she is; she's so fucking strong. But I wasn't there. If something would have happened... it would have been my fault."

"It wasn't your fault, Michael baby." Luke said from the couch.

"Luke is right. The only person who is responsible is Antonio. And we've already taken care of it." Calum said with that darkness in his eyes that Michael had noticed multiple times by then.

"What do you mean by you took care of it?"

Now they couldn't just tell him they had him chained up in their torture room, keeping him alive for now until they felt like offing him after days, or weeks, or maybe even after months of punishment.

So Calum said, "We fired and reported him to the police."

Michael nodded. He was letting his mind wonder off to places it shouldn't and he was jumping to conclusions. Of course they would. That was the normal thing to do in this type of situation.

Ashton slowly ran his hands up and down Michael's thighs, "Tell me it isn't your fault."

"It... It isn't my fault."

"Good boy." He hummed out, "You said she's doing fine?"

"Yeah, we just stayed home and relaxed over the weekend to recover from what happened. She's back to work feeling fine. I know she wants to talk to you to thank you."

"Whenever she wants to we'll be available for her. Anytime." Calum said seriously.

"I'll let her know... So how about that song?"

"Let's do it, baby." Luke grinned excitedly from the back.

Ashton moved away to let Michael get to work. He turned around and swiftly pressed play. As the slow, but seductive R&B beats started he began to feel nervous again.

What if they didn't like it? Was it too much? Too little? Should he have picked a different tempo?

He was so stuck in his worried thoughts that he didn't even notice that they were already halfway through the song by then. He felt a pair of gentle, but firm hands on his shoulders.

His breath hitched when he felt a mouth against his ear. He felt their breath and just overall how close they were to him. The pair of hands slowly started going comfortably down his arms.

Michael's skin was burning from the touch. His heart was beating rapidly. His skin was burning a light pink. Whoever it was that was behind him then turned him around in his chair. He looked up and saw that it was Luke.

Luke placed his hands on Michael's arms again, letting his grip go up this time until they stopped at his cheeks. He caressed Michael's soft skin and didn't miss the sharp breath that left the pretty man's lips.

The song then ended, leaving them in silence. This silence made their tension heighten even more. Michael swore he could hear his own heartbeat.

"W-What is going on?" He asked breathlessly when Luke suddenly gripped him and gently pulled him up from his seat at the sound panel. Luke started taking slow steps to get closer to Michael, making him step back. Well until his back connected with someone's chest.

He quickly looked over his shoulder, seeing Calum behind him. He felt him grip his waist and he saw his lustful eyes looking down at him.

Luke soon stood in front of him, gaining Michael's attention once again.

"You're so fucking pretty. You know that right, pretty boy?" Luke groaned out, putting his nose in the crook of Michael's neck, "I want to make you cry out pretty noises and record them to put in your next song."

"What... What's going on?" Michael took in a deep breath.

"You're ours, pretty boy. There's no getting away from us. We always get what we want." Ashton hummed out from the side of Michael, smirking when he saw the man look at him while he was still in between Calum and Luke.

His eyes widened and he felt his skin turn even more pink.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Oh yes you do, pretty boy." Ashton's smirk grew even larger as he stepped closer to Michael in order to place his hand on his cheek, "You know what you do to us."

Michael and Ashton's eye contact was burning in want. Ashton could see it; Michael wanted them as much as they wanted him. He slowly leaned in, wanting nothing else than to absolutely devour Michael's lips.

But as soon as their lips were going to touch, Michael shook his head and pushed himself out of the three's arms.

"You need to leave."

"Michael, baby—" Luke started.

"No." Michael interrupted him still with his blushing cheeks, "You need to go. I'm with Julie and I love her."

"We'll go. But we all need to talk soon. Because not only are you ours, but she's ours too. You both belong to us and only us."

That was the last thing Calum said before the men left, leaving Michael's mind in a chaotic mess.




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