When Push Comes To Shove

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                          Lily's POV

Between all the memory's of how badly Catalina was treated by this pack and this bitch here, my rage was building to a point I might just kill someone and if this bitch kept getting in my face it might be her. She just didn't know when to shut up, can't she see that she had lost this. If I had been around or able to intervene, these asses would not be feeling as if they have any power of us. Shane was already trying to hold back Ryder, if Ryder were to be let in control they both would be missing limbs by now. Now that bitch was going on a rant how she could have easily beat me if it hadn't been for Kyle and my cousin's intervention not to mention Shane had stepped in the ither day, my lips curled into a smile that caused her to shut up.

                       "Well, then you wouldn't mind making an official duel out of it than would you. If your claiming to be that much stronger than I, we'll have to settle this officially." I smiled as her face paled some she glanced at Mason as if he would help her get out of the mess she had created. "So in a couple days, after your arm has enough time to heal, we'll have our duel at the packs training grounds. Human form and wolf form are allowed to be used during the match but no intervention from outside help will be allowed, and if someone so much lifts a finger to help anyone there'll be harsh consequences."

I felt multiple eyes on me now, Shane's for one, but also my cousin's and father. I wouldn't allow someone to disrespect us like this, I am the Luna of the Crimson Blood pack and I will be show the respect I deserve! This bitch was going to learn that I wasn't one to be pushed around.

                     "Lily what are you doing? You do realize we are here to help them right? Not beat them up everytime time they try to throw their weight around." I rolled my eyes as Catalina's voice rang out from inside my... our head.

                    "Catalina they are never going to leave us alone if we don't show them that they can't treat us the way they use too. This is the only way to prove that, unless you want Shane and Ryder to rip them apart for disrespecting us, we both know how they are especially with us." I said back to her, hearing her sigh before going quiet I knew she understood.

                     "Well if we don't have anything else to discuss I'll see you in a couple days." I smiled as I pushed the door closed before I turned and headed for the kitchen. I was starving and seeing as I had control right now I was going to enjoy a meal, of my choosing. Shane followed behind me, it seemed he was still fighting the urge to kill both of them for how the treated us... My hand brushed against his arm as he came to stand next to me as I opened the fridge, as my hand moved away slightly Shane's hand came and intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked over at him, my bright blue eyes shined as I smiled before turning back to the fridge. My... our dad usually keeps the fridge and freezer stocked not knowing what anyone would want, so lucky me when I seen the pack of new york strip steak. As I reached for it Shane's other hand over took my and grabbed the package, I turned glaring at him slightly. Shane held his hands in the air as he released my other hand and moved around me to the stove.

                   "Go sit down I'll cook this up for you." Shane smiled as he leaned back towards me and pressed his lips to mine for split second before turning back to the stove.

I don't like taking orders from anyone, even if it was my mate though I guess he wasn't really ordering me around. I sat down at the dining room table as I watched him cook, the sound of the hot sizzling pan filled my ears. The scent of the meat cooking filled the room and seemed to summon the beasts, our brothers roamed into the dining room. As they tried to enter the kitchen to see what was smelling so good Shane glanced at them, I smiled as Shane shook him head and pointed at me. My brothers turned slowly, I was now resting my chin on my hands. If they wanted some than they'd either have to fight me for it or make their own, my mate only makes food for me... well and our future pups but with how Catalina is I don't see us become pregnant for awhile...

It didn't take Shane long to finish cooking before he brought it over to me he had already cut the steak and brought over the A1 sauce, the goddess really blessed us with the perfect guy... He set the plate down in front of me before he sat in the chair beside me, it would have been weird having someone stare at you while you ate like this but we weren't completely human and this was a natural thing. Once one finds their destined half or mate, they are drawn to eachother and if they are apart for some reason there's a emptiness that fills them. Just one touch sends tingles or sparks across the others nervous system, it makes you want to be near your mate, to touch them at any and all times, and when one completes the marking bond that feeling intensifies. Though Shane's mark now rests on our neck the bond is still incomplete, Shane's neck was still bare and unclaimed. This little fact irritated me, Catalina had every opportunity to lay claim to him, to place our mark on him and yet she's done nothing...

                  "Hey!" I rolled my eyes as Catalina tried to chime in with her excuses, like Shane's been busy or we really haven't seen him the last couple days... which was true the only days we really seen him were our first night and second morning of our heat cycle but then he had seemingly disappeared. Well not really he had been there in the house but he was always busy or so Kyle had claimed and denied us access to fathers study. Today was the first time I actually got to see him outside for seeing him through the crack in the door when Kyle opened it. "It wasn't my fault! He hasn't even been staying in our room, what has he been sleeping in the study or something?"

                    "He does look well rested and has the lingering scent of soap..." As I popped another piece of steak into my mouth I glanced over at him, by this time my father and brothers had joined us at the table with their own breakfast. He was chatting away about something that I didn't really care about, he's barely even spared us a second glance... "what's he up too? He's been acting a bit strange ever since we mated, most males wouldn't be able to keep their hands to themselves..."

                   "I don't know maybe he really is busy? Though even before he'd make time for us, maybe there's something else going on?" Catalina chimed in as I turned our graze back to the plate, he made our food, he stayed reasonably calm when Mason showed up, and now he was chatting away with our father like it was any other Tuesday afternoon. I get him wanting to get along with my father, but wasn't he still ticked at my brothers for how they treated me? Yet here he was smiling and laughing away with them, somethings definitely up here.

I had hoped for a more exciting time during my visit but after Catalina bickering I gave back control to her.

                     Catalina's POV

I sighed inwardly as I set my fork down onto the empty plate, what had Lily gotten us into? I know what she said was true but damn how many times am I going to have to whoop this bitches ass before she finally get the picture. Plus Shane's going to be there... and Mason not to mention the whole pack will probably show up including my father and Mason's father... I stood slowly grabbing my plate, not waiting for Shane to try and grab it from me I walked into the kitchen and washed my dishes. Turning I half expected Shane to be there but to my surprise I found him where I left him, I rolled my eyes slightly before I headed towards the stairs. I was halfway to my room by the time Shane must have realized I wasn't still at the table, I just stepped into my room and began shutting the door when his hand stopped the door.

                 "Hey? Why didn't you say anything before heading up, I would have come with you?" Shane's voice had a hint of playfulness in it as he pushed on the door some more trying to open it wider.

                "Well you seemed so interested in your conversation I didn't want to interrupt plus you seem to be doing fine on your own? I haven't really seen you the last couple days, seemed like you were avoiding me or something but we both know you wouldn't have been doing that right? Anyways seeing as you seem to be fine sleeping by yourself maybe you should just continue doing so." I smiled as sweetly as I could as I focused the door shut, I heard a shocked sound when I locked the door. It wasn't that I really angry or anything but this would teach him that maybe talking things out before just acting on whatever thought had been stuck in his brain would have been better than making me feel this way. Besides all that I needed to focus on all the things we'll have to do before we left this place, and what exactly I was going to do with Jessica... Because we all know what happens...

When push comes to shove.

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