The biggest killer of birds we don't talk about: One NFL stadium's bird killer

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Most people can think of a million different things that may kill our winged friends, but very little realize a top killer is something we look through every day. Windows collision is the top killer of birds. The NFL's Minnesota Vikings are building a new stadium that will be about 200 000 square feet of reflective glass. The worse part is that it is being built along a migratory route that is used by tens of millions of birds every day. Daniel Klem, a professor at Muhlenburg College in Pennsylvania has been studying window collision in birds for 40 years. He says they are ''building a bird killer.''

The National Audubon Society urged the stadium to redesign its project but they did not want to spend $1.1 million for the bird safe windows nor change the look they have planned. However, they have spent millions on other revisions for the stadium.

If you want to help prevent window collisions at home or work here are some things Daniel Klem suggests. The main goal is to eliminate the mirror reflection that birds see from the outside. You can hang up decals, or stickers outside. Alternatively, soap your windows or leave them dirty. If you have a bird feeder move it within a meter of your windows. That way the birds won't have the speed build up when leaving it. There are also decals and window coverings that you can install that will allow you to see clearly out your window, but the birds are able to see the covering.

As for solutions for the NFL, look no further than the new Dallas Cowboys stadium for their fritted glass windows which are more bird friendly.

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