Who You Are...

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I woke up in the morning and tiger is not here...where he gone...am I in his room...it's so big..I didn't saw at night...how could I because yesterday was so horrifying for me...

I was in my thought when Tiger came in...

Aiden: Rose...?? Are you feeling good??

I just nodded..

Aiden: here..take this bag..I arranged clothes for you..go and freshen up..ok...and come out to have breakfast...I will wait..

Roselie: thank you (smile)

He went out and I completed my morning routine and came out wearing dress which tiger gave me...it's a beautiful dress..

I came out from the room..it's a different place... yesterday he took me to his home.. but this place is different..

I slowly walk to the other side and found Tiger... He saw me and gesture me to come..

Aiden: sit here Rose...let's have breakfast first than we will talk

Roselie: ok

We have our breakfast and than he ask me to sit in the living room meanwhile he called Max to come there...After that he came and sit on the couch...

Roselie: umm Tiger...whose house is this??

Aiden: it's my private villa.. sometimes I stay here when I want to be alone or for some urgent work...

Max entered and I gave him a friendly smile..

Max: how are you Roselie?

Roselie: I'm fine..

Aiden: so Rose...tell me about yesterday..what happened?? I know you must be scared but we need to find out who was there...ok so relax and tell me...

Roselie: (I took a breath) when you left..I locked the door and windows properly and went to my room...after shower.. I talked with Julie that she reached her home safely...we talk for long time..

Than I was about to sleep when I heard a knock at the door..first I thought maybe I heard wrong..than again there is a knock...
I got little scared but still I came out from my room and went near the door...I was about to hold the knob when suddenly....

Aiden: (little loud) whaaat...you mean to say that that you are about to open the door..??

Max: Aiden...you are scaring her... don't shout like that...


I don't know how I lost my control...but when she said she was about to hold the door knob that means she was going to open the door...is she crazy...

That person could have harm her...oh god why she is so much naive...she got jerked by my scolding...but Max remind me that she got scared...my eyes become soft after looking at her...

I hold her hands...

Aiden: I am sorry Rose...but please never do that again..it can be dangerous ok..

Roselie: hmm sorry...I will remember that..

Aiden: ok..what happened than...

Roselie: then he suddenly started banging at door and I got scared and moved back from there...the door was also started shaking like it's gonna be break... So I ran inside my room and try to call police...but it's not reachable and I locked myself inside the bathroom...than I thought about you and called you... When you said you are coming..I sat there holding my breath when I heard the door opening sound and footsteps...

He was in my room and he came near the bathroom and lightly knocked it...and started laughing..

It was so creepy...than he said......

(She stopped and looked at us)

Aiden: what he said...

Roselie: (gulped) he..he said...first I will ruin you in front of him and than kill him in front of you...

(My blood starts boiling...how dare he said something like that to her..she was trembling)

Roselie: after that he got a call he received it and walk away...And than I didn't heard anything from him...

Max: who it can be...??

Aiden: we have to find him soon...there must be some clue...and Rose.... Rose.....

She was in deep thought...what she is thinking...I called her name but she is not listening...than I shake her little and she looked at me with blank expression... Something is bothering her...

Aiden: What happened Rose...is something bothering you..?

Roselie: n..no..no nothing... When can I go home...

Aiden: stay here until your friend come back and I will search a new house for you both...that place is not safe now...

Roselie: o..ok...

She again started thinking...she is hiding something...for sure...


I told everything to Tiger except one thing...what that person said before leaving....

"Roselie don't forget WHO YOU ARE...no matter how much he save you but in the end....you will be the cause of his death...say my hello to your Tigerrr..."

Who he was...?? Does he really know about me...???

Tiger & His Rose {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now