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Next day Roselie walk into the hallway to the administration office to meet Ava..before taking any initiative she wants to clear some things first...

No doubt.. Brent still have feelings for her..but before that does Ava also have the same feelings or does she remember him or not...

Brent has always been there like an elder brother to her so Roselie want to see him happy too like them with their loved one.. Brent deserves to be with someone whom he love...

Finally getting to the office she found Ava was busy with her work.. Roselie is prepared with her words to say.. without giving her any kind of awkwardness...

Roselie: hello Ava...may I come in..??

Ava: ohh hi.. Roselie... please come in..

Roselie: I got some pastries for you..I hope you like them..

Ava: that's so sweet of you dear...thank you so much.. please have a seat... Actually I am glad you come.. I was alone and bored..

Roselie: I had a free class so I thought to see you...

Ava: you study business right I saw the documents yesterday.. and when I was arranging grade reports of all students I found you are very smart...

Roselie: Thanks...well you were saying you just shifted recently... You live alone or with family...

Ava: actually I lived here before for few father was an army officer so many time he was transferred from one place to another...but I spent most of my years here.. but when my mom died we were very sad and that time too dad got his transfer we left this place... Last father was on a mission and there he lost his life...after completing his funeral I was all I decided to come back here.. because this place have special memories..

Roselie: I am so sorry for your lose..

Ava: please don't's life..we can't do anything about it.. but tell me about yourself...

Roselie start telling about her mother and also mentioned Aiden as her boyfriend, about Julie and all... They chatted about few more things.. than it's time for the question which was Roselie waiting to ask...

Roselie: umm...Ava.. don't you have any boyfriend or someone special...

Ava's hand stopped in air holding a paper and thought about something getting a smile on her face...

Ava: no I don't have any boyfriend... But there was someone special once in my life...

Roselie: really...who is it

Ava: I don't know about him..we met only few times but I felt happy with him..he was different from other people.. but when I was leaving this place I didn't get chance to tell him.. we don't have any contacts details..we just met in a park where I usually go for evening walk.. I met him there...

Roselie: ohhh... Which park.. do you still go there..

Ava: it's not's outside the city and its really can't find that kind of place in home was there that time.. I also want to go there but not get chance

Roselie: ohh... can you show me that park..I would love to see it..

Ava: why not... Whenever you say.. I will also love to go refresh my old memories

Roselie: about tomorrow evening.. we have a holiday..we should visit the park...

Ava: well I also don't have any work done

Roselie: great than..I will come to pick you and I also bring my bestfriend Julie too..

Ava: I would love to hangout with you and your friend...since I don't have any company...

Ava gave her address to roselie and bid bye to her...


Hehehe... tomorrow I will give you a huge gift Brent also stand with us as brother now it's my duty to do something as a sister..
Half of my plan is it's time for the other half.. and for that I need help from my Tiger... So I dialled his number and In first ring he received my call...

Aiden: yes my love...what you want..

Roselie: why you think that I want something..

Aiden: because I know my Rose.. so tell me..

Roselie: hmm it's true I need some help..but for that we have to meet..

Aiden: but...what will I get if I help you..

Roselie: what you want

Aiden: youuuuu

Roselie: you already have me..

Aiden: sillyyyy... I will tell you what I actually want but you have to promise that you will say yes only..

Roselie: hmmm..... okk...

Aiden: ok so I will meet you later..

Roselie: bye you

Aiden: love you too

Tiger & His Rose {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now