Scared Rose

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I kicked open the door and get inside... What I saw makes my heart shattered into pieces.. the room is filled in darkness and everything was thrown on floor...

My Rose is sitting on floor at corner holding her legs while hiding her face between knees..and she is chanting something continuously in low voice.. which I am not able to understand...

I went near her slowly and Julie switched on the lights... When the light turns on she flinched and try to hide more hugging herself tightly...I called her but it's looks like she is not in her senses..

Aiden: rose....

She is not responding anything...I sat in front of her and touched her..but she got scared and moved more to the corner without looking at me...and start sobbing more...

Roselie: no.. please... don't hurt me... I won't go with I will not go..

My heart was paining looking at her like this..she also didn't recognise my voice and my touch.. Julie was also standing there in tears...

Julie: brother do something..she is behaving weird... Should I call her mom to ask??

Aiden: no Julie.. her mom will freak out.. don't tell her anything now.. you go..I will stay here with her..

Julie: but brother Rossy...??

Aiden: don't worry Julie.. she will be fine.. she needs to be strong to overcome from go...And close the door..

Julie left the room closing the door.. now only me and Rose are alone..I want her to be free from this fear.. and I will do anything for that...

Aiden: Look at me Rose

Roselie: I won't come with you

Aiden: ROSE... look at me... I am your Tiger.. LOOK AT ME NOW....

I almost roar at her she is shivering and forced her to look at me..

Aiden: open your eyes Rose... You are strong enough to fight with this fear... I am her with you... Look at me my love...

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me from her fluffy red eyes.. she blinked her eyes many times..maybe she wanted to clear her vision...

Roselie: T..Tiger..

She hugged me tightly and started crying loudly and I patted her back to console her..I let her cry so her heart feels light... I scooped her up in my arms and put her on bed..

Her hands grab my neck tightly but when I tried to get away she didn't let me go...

Aiden: I am here Rose... I'll not leave you promise...

She looked at me for confirming again..and I nodded in response..she let her hand go and I went to her washroom... I bring a bowl of water and cloth and sat beside her...

I started cleaning her face gently.. for constant crying her face was red and swollen...she kept looking at me only without saying anything...and is holding my shirt from her tiny hands... I smiled lovingly to her...

After cleaning her face I wash my hands and change into comfortable clothes..I kept few clothes here also.. than again I picked her up in my arms and took her to washroom and make her stand... I gave her clothes and ask her to change..she looked at me pouting her lips..

Aiden: I am here only...when you done call me...

I close the door and waited patiently to let her finish.. after sometime she opened the door slowly and I carried her back to bed and laid her down...I lay down with her too and took her in my arms..she hide her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist...

I hugged her tightly to make her feel she is safe...

Aiden: Rose... why you are scared??

Roselie: Ti..Tiger.. that..that... I got..a.. package...

Aiden: I know everything...

She raised her head looking me confusedly..

Aiden: I am not asking what happened...I am asking you why you are scared..

Roselie: he..he is back to take me...

Aiden: listen one will take you away from me... Do you think I am not capable to keep you safe??

She shake her head indicating no.. and I touched her face with my hand...

Aiden: than erase this fear from your heart.. you have to be strong.. and show him that now you are not scared of him..i am with you.. will you do that??

Roselie: hmm..I will

Aiden: that's my little Rose..

Roselie: if he try to harm you??

Aiden: my love..are you forgetting who I am... Don't worry about me.. and he will not able to harm you.. he is just playing with your mind Rose.. don't let him do that..

Roselie: but...but mom

Aiden: I have already keep tight security around her when she left from here..she is safe ok.. don't take tension in your small head

Roselie: my head is not small...

Aiden: Hahaha... Yes you have... Rose.. don't let your smile fade away.. I can't see you like this...

I kissed her forehead and she smiled for me..I love you rose and I will kill him soon..

I cupped her face and kissed her lips taking her more close to me...she too start responding and we kissed passionately leaving all our worries behind...

I moved down to her neck and showering wet kisses there..she tries to suppress her voice but I bite her neck and she is screamed little due to pain.. I sucked her neck again to ease her pain and she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me more..

I want to go further but I stopped breaths were heavy..I closed my eyes and control myself..I open my eyes and look at her red blushing face..

Aiden: I won't go further so relax.. but I will not stop myself once we get married..

She smiles shyly and hide herself in my embrace...I hugged her tightly and make her sleep...

And my mind think about the things happened today.. he dared to scare my rose.. you want to play right..If you think you are smart than you are forgetting with whom you are dealing with.. and I will make you regret...

Tiger & His Rose {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now