Tiger needs you

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In a dark room.. a man was tied upside down..and beaten badly.. one guard came to cut the rope..and the man fall down..screams in pain..

Later few guards grab him and placed him on a huge ice slab.. the man beg for mercy..but no one helped him.. he was surrounded by several guards.. the door opened and two men entered..

Aiden and Brent saw how his Body turned into blue.. Aiden came forward and place his foot on that man’s cutted thigh.. the man can’t bear the pain more...but Aiden eyes were too cold to understand his pain..

Man: pleaseeee...let me gooo...stoooppp

Aiden: I would have let you go...but your shot that bullet on my Rose.. so you deserve the torturous death..

The man fainted due to lack of blood and wounds... watching him Aiden call one guard and ordered him to make him conscious again and torture him more...

Aiden turned to Brent and ask him about the other person.. Brent lead him to the next room... Here another man was tied by chains in standing position.. but the man not show any kind of regret or pain..

The man raised his head to look at the person in front of him.. Aiden stand with no emotions..but the man gives him a mocking smirk...

?? : So the great Mafia king got time to greet his guest... leaving her girlfriend behind...

Aiden: ofcource.. after all you are Italian mafia leader Lorenzo... I have to pay my visit to you..

Lorenzo: hahahah...than why you came alone..where is your girlfriend... don’t tell me she did not wake up yet ..hahahaha..

Aiden furiously punched him hard and he spits blood...but he only laugh..

Lorenzo: actually...it was my mistake.. I should have captured her...but my bad I never saw her...later I found she is a gem...I wished she don’t die..so I can take her with me after killing you..

Aiden kicked many times between his leg making him scream in pain...he pulled Lorenzo hair and look in his eyes..

Aiden: now I will give you punishment for looking at my Rose by your dirty eyes..  GUARDS....

Guard: yes boss..

Aiden: bring TTX and inject that poison in his dirty eyes.. when his pain reduce...inject them again and again until dies...

Saying this he left from there.. Brent follow him.. Aiden kicked his car tyre and vent out his frustration.. Brent put hand on his shoulder to stop him..

Brent: calm down for Rose...she will not like you watching you In this state..

Aiden: for that she needs to see me..

Brent: she will soon....

Aiden: WHEN...tell me when...1 month... This whole fuc*** one month I waiting for her to open his eyes..to look at me..to talk to me..
Brent: Aiden you know her condition.. just be patient...she will wake up soon..

It’s been 1 month since Roselie went in coma.. Aiden most of his time spent with her..and wait to open her eyes..

Brent successfully destroy Italian mafia empire and bring their leader as hostage and the man who shot Roselie..

In Aiden’s absence.. Julie or Roselie mom take care of her..but whenever Aiden arrived he not allow anyone near her..he want to be first when she opens her eyes...

Aiden and Brent drove back to his private villa.. in living area... Max and both the mothers were sitting there but Aiden not see any of them and went straight to his room..

He distanced himself from everyone after that incident..and only talk of its related to his Rose only.. others not complaint of his behaviour because they know how much roselie important to him..

He enter his room and look at Roselie lying on the bed attached with machines and oxygen mask..Julie was sitting beside her on a chair.. Julie saw Aiden came back so she left the room closing the door...

Aiden take a bath to remove the blood stains from his body and went close to Roselie after coming out from the bathroom...

Aiden: hey Rose...did you miss me... because I missed you a lot today.. there was lots of work today in the office.. that’s why I came late..sorry..I won’t repeat it again..I will come back on time..

Aiden bring Roselie back to his villa after two days of her surgery...and keep her here only to take care of her...every night he talk with her and sleeps holding her in his arms..

Aiden: why you are not waking up Rose.. are you enjoying my state.. please my love...I want to hold you again in my arms...I promise no one will harm you again...it’s is my mistake.. because of my carelessness you are like this...but please now it’s enough...your Tiger is in pain watching you like this.. do you want to see your Tiger sad always... please my love...your Tiger is waiting for you... please....rose... Your Tiger will die without you...

He touched his forehead with hers while caressing her face by one hand.. he than kiss her forehead and slept next to her holding her waist.. keeping his face on crook of her neck..and close his eyes..

“Wake up Rose...your Tiger needs you”

Aiden slept while saying sweet words to her unaware to see her fingers moved slowly...

Tiger & His Rose {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now