Little Argument

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Aiden was working in his office when Max entered in his cabin with a file in his hand and sat taking the seat opposite to him...

Aiden: so how was it..?

Max: perfect.. we both confessed our feelings

Aiden: great.. now as her eyes will always be on you..

Max: haaa...are you threatening me..

Aiden: take as whatever you like..

Max: hmm.. Aiden

Aiden: yes...

Max: what we should do now

Aiden: just go with the plan

Max: are you sure...I mean.. Roselie.. she might be get in danger

Aiden stop his work and leaned back to look at max..

Aiden: she won't.. I am here to protect her.. I just want to throw out that fear from her that..when that person come in front of her...she will stand for herself...

Max: I trust you...but still.. he will try any source to disturb her... as we know that he has other motive too...

Aiden: I know.. that's why I am waiting for his next move.. and this time he will see my rose is not scared of him...

Max: last thing.. why you are angry with Roselie...

Aiden sighed loudly because now Max got to know that he and Roselie had a little fight..

On the other side....

Julie is observing Roselie in confusion.. because she is holding a book upside down and looking at it from past 20mins...

She wants to laugh on Roselie stupidity but didn't after gathering some courage..she asked her...

Julie: Rossy.. atleast tell why you both fight for??

Roselie: we didn't's just an argument...

Julie: it's same dear... Now can you please tell me

Roselie: actually... Yesterday...


Aiden took her to the mall holding her tightly and went to the jewellery store.. Roselie had no idea why he took her here...

Aiden entered the store and the manager rushed to him immediately as he was already informed about his arrival..

Manager: Mr. Knight.. welcome to our store..

Aiden: it ready..?

Manager: yes sir.. please this way...

Manager guided them to the separate section of expensive jewellery..and he personally takes out a heavy necklace of big stones of sapphire.. Aiden wants to buy something unique for his Rose...

But Rose was not in mood to look at those expensive shiny pieces.. her eyes travelled to each direction but stuck at a beautiful gold amethyst necklace... It's simple just the way she likes.. a small sphere shaped purple colour amethyst at the centre surrounded by gold circle..

She is admiring it when she felt something heavy on her neck she looked down and saw a huge and heavy necklace.. she frowned and look at Aiden...who was smiling in satisfaction...

Before she could say anything.. Aiden ordered the manager to pack that necklace.. it's costs million... Roselie eyes went wide hearing the amount and she stopped the manager to pack it..

Roselie: Tiger...I don't want that

Aiden: Rose..I ordered that specially for you.. it's good gorgeous on you

Roselie: but I don't like it..and it's so expensive

Aiden: I can afford the whole jewelleries in this store for you

Roselie: please Tiger...I really don't like it..

Aiden was calming his anger..he wanted to give the best of everything to her but here she is denying his efforts... Aiden always keep everything according to her but she never ask anything from him which makes him more annoyed.. he wanted her to ask anything she wants..

It's not like he don't care about her feelings... but he wants to pamper her.. and because of this they both ended getting into argument..and left the store without purchasing the necklace..

The whole ride was silent..Aiden was angry but Roselie try to talk but he ignored her... Roselie gets upset because of his behaviour..
He dropped her home and without saying anything he just left from there..

**Flashback ends**

Julie slapped her forehead after listening the whole thing...

Julie: so that's why you are angry..

Roselie: I am not angry..I am upset... He is not talking to me from yesterday..I called him several times but he is not picking up..

Julie: ohh...

Roselie: what ohh.. I can't tolerate this.. his ignorance is killing me... I know he got hurt but atleast he should talk to me

Julie: than talk to him.. tell him you are sorry..

Roselie: but how..

Julie: think about it..

Roselie start thinking how to please Aiden.. this is the first time he got angry on her..and she is not liking that.. she kept thinking for a while when an idea popup in her mind resulting a big smile on her face...

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