Chapter 19: Mutiny II

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Tsukauchi nodded in agreement, his jaw clenched. "We'll have to find another way to get through to them. Maybe a follow-up visit when they're sober will yield better results."

As they walked back to their car, Tsukauchi couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lurked behind the closed doors of their troubled home.

[Zero Investigation Arc] Mutiny II

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

-You Can Be A Hero Too II-

[Saturday, April 18, 2093]

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the city streets as Tsukauchi and Tsunemori resumed their investigation into the disappearance of the Nao siblings. 

Their conversation with Emiho and her parents had provided very little leads and the case remained far from solved.

Their footsteps echoed against the pavement as they traversed the city, the hum of activity serving as a backdrop to their walk. Tsukauchi glanced at his partner, noting the furrow of concentration on Tsunemori's brow.

"Any ideas on our next move?" Tsukauchi ventured, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

Tsunemori's gaze was fixed ahead as he considered their choices. "We need to dig deeper into the Nao family's history," he said. "There's more to this than meets the eye."

Their first stop was their station. Tsukauchi and Tsunemori wasted no time, making a beeline for the records room.

The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the harsh glare of fluorescent lights overhead. Rows of filing cabinets lined the walls.

They set to work, pulling out folders labeled with the Nao family name.

As they sifted through the paperwork, a pattern began to emerge – a history of domestic disputes, neglect, and run-ins with the law.

"It's worse than I thought," Tsukauchi murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "These kids never stood a chance."

Tsunemori sighed. "We know why they ran away: their parents are abusive. Kids couldn't take it anymore - they bolted."

"It's a cycle," Tsukauchi muttered, his voice heavy with resignation. "The parents grew up in violence, and now they're perpetuating it with their own children."

[Sunday, April 19, 2093]

Emiho lay propped up on the crisp white sheets, her eyes tracing the patterns of sunlight dancing on the walls.

A soft knock on the door drew her attention, and she turned to see a nurse enter the room with a gentle smile. 

"Good morning, Nao-chan," the nurse greeted warmly, her voice a soothing balm to Emiho's troubled soul. "How are you feeling today?"

Emiho returned with a faint smile, her voice husky from disuse. "Better, I suppose," she said gently, her gaze moving to the window. "Any news about my brother?"

The nurse's smile faltered slightly, and a shadow passed over her face. "I'm afraid not, dear," she replied sympathetically. "But the authorities doing everything they can to help find him."

Emiho nodded, her throat tightening with emotion.

Emiho's thoughts turned back to the events that had brought her to this place. The ambush in the alley, the agony and panic that consumed her as she battled to save her brother, the overpowering sense of powerlessness as she lay wounded and broken on the hard concrete.

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