Chapter 13: Reject Fashion Doll

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"They aren't that strong, but remain vigilant." Sayoko heeded his words, her fingers itching to dismantle their chain-wielding adversaries.

"Make sure the burner doesn't get destroyed."

[Hunter Arc] Reject Fashion Doll

"I only seem negative to the fortunate. That's because I show the less fortunate that they aren't less fortunate after all." - Criss Jami

-You Can Be A Hero Too II-

[Monday, September 19, 2101 - 6:15 PM]

Izuku cradled an unconscious body delicately, holding it by the tips of their hair. His breaths came in quick, ragged bursts, and a trickle of blood lingered on the side of his face.

'That proved more exhausting than anticipated.' Powering his way through opponents of comparable strength, he felt a palpable sense of intensity.

"Are you alright?" Sayoko inquired, prompting Izuku to turn toward her and nod.

"Yes... they possessed more strength than I had envisioned," Sayoko observed the young boy standing before her, wondering about the thoughts racing through his mind.

Beneath the bravado that she had glimpsed during her brief acquaintance with Izuku, Sayoko could no longer discern the true workings of his mind.

"How's the burner?" Izuku inquired, and Sayoko displayed the burner phone.

"The fingerprints might be obscured by gunk and my own prints, but there's a chance they can be recovered," Izuku nodded.

"If not, it means we're in for a challenging journey." Izuku grappled with conflicting emotions, realizing that this desolate landscape held the potential to obliterate the crucial evidence they sought.

"If the fingerprints fail, I'll attempt to retrieve the burner phone's passcode elsewhere," Sayoko agreed, acknowledging the practicality of the suggestion.

"The leader... did you confront him?" Sayoko questioned Izuku.

"Yes, I inquired about the person who left the burner phone here. While they were aware of him, they lacked knowledge of his name." Despite a few snapped fingers, the man repeated the same words like a broken record.

"Any descriptions of his appearance?"

"Yes and no. He wore a black suit with a black mask concealing his face."

Sayoko fell into a momentary silence before responding with a nod and a thoughtful hum.

"I suppose we should head back home. Let's reconvene once more information is on the table."

[Tuesday, September 20, 2101 - 7:45 AM]

"Hey Kurono-chan, wanna have some fun?"

Sayoko warily turned her head toward the voice only to see Toga Himiko looking at her with a mischievous grin that immediately put her on edge. 

It had been two days since the girl had joined them, and it was still an adjustment period.

"What sort of fun?" She tentatively asked, her gaze shifting to catch any sign of whatever mischief was being plotted. She was rewarded with an innocent tilt of the head and a finger placed thoughtfully near the other party's mouth.

"Painting Tomura-kun's nails."

"Eh? What?"

Himiko held up a small bottle to emphasize her suggestion, her smile growing. "Paint his nails."

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