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Pov. Daisy:

Today everyone was outside again, they wanted to comfort Y/n but I stayed home because I had a headache. It was quiet but it felt like home. Y/n's family was very nice and greeted us with open arms. I wish my family was like that.

I picked up my phone that was on the bedside table and called Taehyun. Taehyun and I have become very good friends since the last few days. He is funny and understands my humor. "Taehyun? Heyy! Do you have time to talk?...You have to help your mother? Oh alright, it's okay...See you bye!!" I sighed. I got up and went to the kitchen to eat some of the food Y/n's grandma had made for us. As I sat I heard the front door open and Y/n's mother came in. "Oh Daisy? Didn't you go out with the others?" She asked and I shook my head. "Are you finished eating? If so, go into the room and I'll clean it." she said and smiled. I smiled back and thanked her and went into the guest room. *Ring* I heard my phone ring. "Hello?" I asked and suddenly I heard my mother's voice. "Daisy. When are you coming back? You could also study for school. Your grades are so bad, you're not doing anything, you're so useless! Maybe you should concentrate more on school than spending time with your useless friends." She complained and I didn't even bother to listen. "Mom, I'm on vacation. When I come back I'll study...We'll talk later." I said and before she could say anything I hung up.

'I'm not useless, am I? I can do stuff...Grades they're just letters. I'm not useless, am I?' I thought and tears rolled down my cheeks.
I cried. Once again. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Ugh, I'm on summer vacation! Can't I even have fun?!" I said frustrated. I got up and went to the kitchen.

I saw Y/n's mother cleaning the kitchen so I went to her and helped her without saying anything. She looked at me in surprise, "Is everything okay?" she asked, looking at my red and tear stained face. I stopped for a second and looked down. "Mmm." I hummed and continued cleaning. I felt her warm hand on my shoulder and she made me look at her. She said nothing. Instead she hugged me and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. 'I needed that.' I thought and smiled.

I sat on the bed and ate the cake I baked with Y/n's mother. I looked around and saw Y/n's camera on the table. I smiled and took it. 'Y/n definitely won't mind, after all she loves me.' I turned on the camera and went to the gallery module. I looked through the pictures and saw the pictures from the beach day, and a sunset, group photos...photos of Beomgyu? "She's head over heels for him." I grinned and continued watching. Pictures of me came next and I smiled. "Lau definitely taught her how to secretly take pictures of other people." I shook my head with fake disappointment. "Woah I look like a model."

I looked around the room after I got bored looking at the photos. I found Y/n's notebook and looked at it. I already knew what kind of things were in there because she sometimes read something to me. Poems and letters. Y/n loves writing. And before she writes one, there is always the name of the person she is writing it to in the top left corner. But she never read the ones that were for me because she was embarrassed. I turned the pages and looked for my name. I found one and read it in my head.

'I'll plant a row of daisy seeds,
In the space below each eye,
So they'll remind you of your beauty,
When they bloom each time you cry.'

I scoffed with a smile. "She's so cheesy."

'Hey Daisy, remember the first time we met? We hated each other so much. But after a few months we somehow became best friends. And I couldn't ask for anything better. Do you remember those "Valentine's Day letters" in 6th grade where we always drew each other characters from our favorite anime? Or this clay head figure of Hello Kitty that you made for me for Valentine's Day? I still keep them. Sometimes I look at my memory box and have to laugh because we used to be so cringe.
Meeting you was like listening to a song
for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite.'


'You are not what you look like.
You're the music you listen to, the shows you watch, the Art you make, the flowers in your hair and
your favorite blanket.
You're not the pimple on your nose
or the pudge on your tummy.
You're not your thighs or your teeth.
You are the color of your hair.
You're the mismatched socks you wear
and your favorite sweater.
You're not what you look like or the body you are in.
You are what you love.'

I smiled as tears ran down my cheeks but I wiped them right away.
"She is so dumb."⋆𐙚

⋆𐙚₊SUMMER HOLIDAYS˚⊹♡ - BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now