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Two days had passed since my friends consoled me about the whole Beomgyu thing and I didn't think much about him anymore. Even though I still like him. I got ready because we all wanted to meet at the cafe. "Hey Y/n! The others have already left and I still have to do some shopping. Do you mind if you come with me?" Emy said as she walked into the room. I nodded and we set off.

"Ugh this summer vacation is so relaxing. We should spend every summer together from now on." Emy said, stretching her arms. I smiled and agreed with her. "What do you actually need?" I asked her because I still didn't know what she wanted to buy. "Lau wants to bake today so she asked me if I could get the ingredients she needed." "Omg! I want to help her today!" I smiled and was looking forward to baking with Lau. I held Emy's hand and swung it back and forth. After we had bought the things for Lau, I got a call from my mother and she asked if I could buy some painkillers for my sister because she was feeling sick. "Emy, you can go ahead! See you!" I said and hugged her before we parted ways.

When I went to the pharmacy they said they were out of the medicine I needed so I went to the nearest pharmacy which was a bit further away from home. I was wearing my pink ballet flats and I could feel my foot starting to hurt. Luckily the pharmacy had the medication I needed and I quickly made my way home.

When I got home, I quickly gave the medicine to my mother. She thanked me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Before I set off again I put on different shoes and put a plaster on my foot so it wouldn't get any worse. I wanted to get to the cafe quickly so I decided to jog there, which didn't work out so well. While I was jogging I slipped and fell on my knees and they started bleeding. 'Luckily there's no one in the area, that would be too embarrassing for me.' I thought and sighed.

I got up and sat on a bench. "First my foot and now my knees." I pouted and took a little break from all the running. I didn't notice someone coming towards me until the person sat down next to me. "Helloo! Are you okay? Your legs are bleeding." The girl with long black hair said, pointing at my knees. "Oh yes, i'm fine, thank you. I wanted to meet up with my friends but then I fell down so I'm taking a little break here." I said with an embarrassed smile. The girl laughed. "Don't worry, I always have some extra bandages with me. Come on, I'll help you." She said with a warm smile. 'She is so pretty.' I thought to myself and watched her with a slight smile as she treated my wounds. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Jas and your's?" she asked me back. "Your name is sooo cute! My name is Y/n!" I said with a big smile which she gave me back.
"Nice to meet you Y/n."

Pov Lau:

We all sat together at a table, still waiting for Y/n. The cafe was a bit too loud for me so I decided to get some fresh air. "Guys, I'm going to get some fresh air for a moment." I said and walked out. It was starting to get dark and Y/n still wasn't there. I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Finally some peace.' I felt the warm wind blowing through my hair, which really calmed me down. But then a certain person disturbed my peace. I looked at him annoyed. "What do you want?" I asked, my gaze still on the dark sky.

"I just wanted to check on you." he said and scoffed. "Hmm? You wanted to check on me?" I teased with a grin. "I hate you." "No you don't." I said and we looked deeply into each other's eyes until we burst out laughing. We didn't say anything else and just looked at the night sky together.

After a few minutes, I thought of something and broke the silence. "Yeonjun...does Beomgyu have a girlfriend?" I asked and he looked at me shocked. "Are you into Beomgyu?!" he asked, stunned. I looked at him in disbelief. "You're so stupid. I'm talking about Y/n. A few days ago she saw Beomgyu hugging a girl and she was a bit heartbroken." I said and looked at him annoyed.

"Beomgyu? Girlfriend? Never. Do you perhaps know what the girl looked like?" He asked and I remembered Y/n describing her. I nodded and told him what she looked like. "Ugh Y/n cried for nothing. That was Beomgyu's cousin." He said and sighed. "ohhh." "Well at least she didn't yell at him like in those cringy movies when the girl saw him with a girl and turned out she was his sister." he laughed and I then hit him on the shoulder. We continued talking until a exhausted Y/n ran towards us. "Sorry guys, I'm finally here!" She said, breathing heavily. Yeonjun and I looked at each other and we both told her directly about the thing with Beomgyu.⋆𐙚

⋆𐙚₊SUMMER HOLIDAYS˚⊹♡ - BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now